quackity x reader cuddles

I hold on, momentarily forgetting my fear. Good morning Ludwig, He nodded his head in acknowledgement while Blitzkrieg sat w, Now that your suffering was finally over, you were holding your precious newborn son to yourself, with hot tears of happiness on your cheeks. Tears were forming as Y/n read this. Y/n looked back at the statue. Did you forget that you have a college essay due tomorrow?. He has too much pride to want to cuddle. How am I gonna explain everything that has happened?. I am currently sitting in my room, waiting for Tommy to finish up. Neinnnn. It seemed like he was reading your thoughts as before you even think of another he adjusted both your positions so that he lips were by your ear and with a slight roughness to his voice he whispered I love you more than anything could ever even begin to explain, God youre such a simp you lowly chuckled, trying to ignore the cluster of butterflies currently swarming your stomach full of jittery happiness. Bye!. Sighing, you leaned back and waited his response, quietly listening to rain before a ding interrupted you. Like, he can be a real asshole sometimes! Quackity asked sarcastically. He hadn't meant to be heard. It was still a little crooked, but it would have to do. I now want to see what would happen if you were to be playing Gartic Phone with Quackity and the boys and you were to write this as the prompt, Jack Manifall off bridge. , I just had to say this because I cant stop thinking about it , Do you ever just sit and wonder what youre doing with your life? (romantic with techno, older sibling to ranboo), self promo until i update the first intro chapter haha. N icknames - What do they call their s/o? Youve gotten louder aswell, youre not afraid to yell around the house if need be, thats for sure. Kill me, Phil, I say turning to my father, throwing him my sword. And trust me when I say youll not be happy with that! Tommy says as he takes a corner way too fucking fast. Niki was the first person to react when she heard her best friends voice. I didnt need your help, I say laughing and slightly shoving him backward. , he said, using his mother language. Im reading, Ludwig answered, turning a page of his book. But he did. TW: Cussing, Mention of Medication, Mention of Injuries. He hummed a soothing German lullaby as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head into your hair, inhaling your scent. Her hair bounced behind her with every large step. He hummed a soothing German lullaby as he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head into your hair, inhaling your scent. What? Quackitys arm draped lightly on your side. There was a huge house like tent with lanterns everywhere. It's not like its going to bring them back." Especially if he got stressed over work. Okay, I take that back, Im about to fall to my literal death.. Well, as free as he could conceivably construct in his mind. Karl, Wilbur, Quackity, and Sapnap with insecure plus-sized s/o Cute and silly photos with: dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, quackity, karl jacobs, nihachu, wilbur soot. The light sound of tapping feet sounded throughout the living room and your attention was steered away from the glass pane you had been carelessly staring at for the past five minutes. Y/N worked with him. You were so entirely in love with Quackity that happiness was all you could feel in the moment but at the same time you were nearly afraid that this small moment would end all too soon. Hiya love you whispered quietly as if his ears where delicate pieces of china that would shatter with any sound that clamoured louder than a whisper. Theyre fighting! "Can you stop that-" Sam started, monotoned. It depends, some days hes got you down to a T, sometimes he misses the mark by alot but he is very empathetic! Are you okay? Peter says with a sound of urgency in his voice. He likes to lay his head on your lap. Just thinking, she replied, turning to face Techno, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. Holding you close. ~~~(Name) POV~~~ Your shoes clicked against the ruined streets of Berlin with each step. Y/N flinched trying to stand up straighter. Hov could you think zhat?. [CH] : Hey! A small groan of annoyance left his lips, but as you smiled up at him sweetly any upset left him, flew away, thoroughly evaporated, literally got up and walked out of the door slamming it on its exit. C!Jschlatt x Reader-Short Oneshot. A/N: I- I had to stop writing after Wilbur tells Y/n Close your eyes and rest my love because I was crying so hard. Just wondering since sometimes requests dont go through on here. He looked over at the chat. The one thing that stood out to me the most was the crowd of people all talking outside of the tent. Instead sleeping in his office surrounded by empty bottles. (Remember you can be as detailed or as vague as you want to! C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.? (We dont write for the same people, so when requesting make sure the person youre requesting to writes for that character!) NOTE: Ill update this as much as I can. Happy Fourth of July everyone! Tommy said through the discord as he and the rest of the gang streamed. I swear! I hiss in pain as I begin to run back up the stairs. But things take a slight turn in the wrong direction when Tommy not only sets off fireworks, but when he also sets off Y/ns fear of loud noises. I unlock my phone to see multiple messages from the boys. Hey! Im so sorry its taking so long! This bend was conveniently wide enough for me not to be able to see the other side. There is a lot of TNT, potentially connected to that button, he reminds me, gesturing to the button on the wall. They chuckled, "Quackity i'm covered in flour." He pulled her closer grumbling, "Don't care." He straightened up placing a soft kiss on their cheek. Alright, calm down! But I get up and try to make my way to the stairwell leading the surface levels. You were currently walking your Dachshund named Blackie since it was the name he came with when you adopted him. This is my first ever Y/n so I hope I did okay. The clatter of her red heels filled the hallway. Can request for me to post it sooner than planned), Requests are Open!! #punz . Quackity spat. Peter sits down on the bed, pressing a kiss to my head. Quackity sighed as he looked at the blueprint plans in front of him. J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? Are you saying you like the book more than me? you mockingly gasped melodramatically. This is practically the same thing the Red Room tried to do. It never mattered what side of a war you were on, we still loved you and you were still there for us. Why isnt a game pulled up on the computer? Ghostbur, I know youre just trying to help, but we should get going, Tommy said, trying to make Ghostbur keep walking. Quackitys love language is touch! Once given the news, Techno rushed home to find Y/n walking through the garden. There is nothing here. #callahan But as I reach the stairs and begin to climb them, the flight below me collapses. <3, you just woke up and youre already hit by a cuteness overload, you tell him how you slept and send a wholesome meme too, and if you havent slept well or just dont feel well, he will suggest talking abt it, if you want to talk about it, get ready for a 2 hours facetime session with your favorite therapist/boyfriend. She was the one who was there when he sobbed to her drunk out of his mind. What do you think youre doing? He leans over and looks at my screen. it always seems to help. Vhy are you callzing me?" Fein. You blinked. That is, until Tommy set off the first firework and I jump back. There won't be any smut and I will be using they/them pronouns for the reader although i'll probably direct it more towards fem readers. Drawing a tre, Germany x Reader Pinky Promise Alex and I both laughed, helping each other off of the ground. How are you here?. D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o? They slowly started to sway to the music in each others arm. Seems that either he responded or someone else is pestering you on Pesterchum. He likes to lay his head on your lap. I ponder that question for a minute. Phil I havent been this close to pressing this button since Y/n stopped me last time! I yell, losing my hold on sanity. Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them? I freed myself from Tommys hold and ran down the path to the crowd. His chapped lips made contact with the top of your head and you looked up at Quackity, making tender eye contact with him. Why are you acting like you need to do something this minute but you dont want to? I ask, tilting my head to the side. Quit boosting her ego! Releasing her he walked over to the jukebox. Should be. Or do they share everything? Karl likes you to be very close. The entire place was deserted at first sight, the people of the town assuredly sound asleep in their beds; the sea remained at low tide, exposing much of the coastline itself. I look around at our group, there was Alex, Karl, Wilbur, Dream with a face mask on, George, Tubbo, Tommy, Philza, Niki, and Ranboo who also had a mask on. Im gonna take that silence as you are in that building. He likes to look at you. Technoblade: Spooning. schlatt is my favorite cc and if you got a problem with that then thats on you, I want youI hold one cardThat I can't useBut I want you. She dashed over to Y/n and pulled her into the tightest hug she had ever given. #ranboo A couple of weeks went by and nothing changed. Here you go. So, I text the main chat for our little group of friends. I cant get a good nights rest anymore! So when Y/n went into town to see the damage that Wilbur had caused, people were shocked to see her. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Finished but not posted, sitting in drafts for when I get writers block (If you are curious about the story, you can request for it to be posted early), Im either having trouble with the storyline or I have too many drafts to catch up on, Written but not gonna post it for a while (Mostly only for things not requested. I look up to find the one and only Peter Parker, perched on the landing above. sorry for this being so short, i only added my comfort streamers, but i still hope you guys enjoy it! You hadnt actually thought that he would agree. You just kept hugging and stroking your little baby as he peacefully rested on your chest. , of course not! Pass me that, would you? Peter asks, pointing to the cup of water on the counter. Wilbur: Head on lap. yelled a little girl in a (f/c) sundress, with an odd curl sticking out of the upper right side of her head. note: these are literally all the pictures that I collected making the other two that I didnt get the chance to use, but I really liked them, and I wanted them to be used, so I made this. He likes to see your face. Oh Y/n, she cried, You have no idea how happy I am to see you.. Tommy playfully gasps, Okay, now youre not getting it back!. I hear a lot of, Ooo, coming from the boys still in the call. not entirely a cuddling thing but still a soft hugging thing: he loves it when you back hug him while hes playing guitar. Q uirk - Some random ability they have thats beneficial in a relationship. :], Karl would most definitely want to share his happiness of having you with his fans, and if youre ok with it, hell write little appreciation tweets for you <3, but if you dont want much attention drawn to you, Karl would be very chill abt it and respect you, this sounds clich but falling asleep on call, for example - you or him couldnt fall asleep and called the other to ask whats the best medicine to take to fall asleep but you guys end up chatting till 4am, if you fall asleep first, hell get real quiet and just enjoy the fact that talking to him makes you so calm that you can fall asleep, if you guys are facetiming, Karl will just stare at your peaceful sleeping face for a bit and then end the call with a grin on his face, the first times you were a bit shy and didnt show your face, just talked time to time, when you got comfortable, you turned on your camera on the discord call :], Karl was very happy to see you comfy with him and his fans, the chat are swooning and calling you very pretty/handsome/gorgeous. Clasping an empty whiskey bottle in his hand. But he thought she lost her last Canon Life, he snapped and blew up L'manburg. The head of the country glared at Sam, who sat on the other side of the desk keeping a straight, calm face, contrary to what he felt on the inside. Lately, Bad Touch was all you ever thought about. Its been so long that the button might not even work. Quackitys arm draped lightly on your side. Usually y, The evening was quiet. Especially if he got stressed over work. Whatever you say, babe, Peter says grinning. Y/N straightened her tie. If you know the artist, please tell me and I shall give proper credits and link back to the original picture.). But I cant live in this place knowing that she she died here. Slamming his fist to the desk. - youre gay- can read- support gay people- want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because its your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past- are an antelope- or want a chocolate bar. So, instead, I sigh and float the cup over to him, purposely letting a couple of drops of water spill onto the front of his shirt. "To finish your stupid fucking tower." I dont know what I was thinking at the time, but I shouldnt have let him. All you wanted to do was smother him in hugs and kisses, but it didnt seem like enough because you loved that boy more than any words or little actions could explain. The tent was illuminated by what I guessed to candles or lanterns. Quackity: The face to face. There arent a lot of Italians in Berlin at the moment and the curl was a big give away. Plus, I know how pretty I am." you smirk and start laughing. I meant to post this months ago but i forgot about it and it has sat in my drafts ever since. So I wanted to tell you since I found out today!" Its 16 hours long and full of amazing songs that will help while you write or do school work. This is it, its over, I say reaching for the button. Weeks had passed, and Y/n was slowly getting her strength back. It was soft moments like this that completely warmed your heart. Quackity would be one to forgive easily, especially if its you, although you guys get into alot of joke arguments. Y/n was in the kitchen baking fresh bread. "Vhat (name)? Alex pulled his hands away from my ears as soon as he was certain that there were no more fireworks. Im so sorry my request ended up triggering you! He had been through a lot. Sam said, equally annoyed. additionally, this is not a schlatt slander account. Wilbur sitting on a stool with his guitar, strumming the tune to Your New Boyfriend. Remember: D/n = Discord name, S/n = Ship name, N/n = Nickname. Germany X Reader- Cuddle (Quickie!) - DeviantArt irl!mcyts having a long-distance relationship w you! You know the drill and I really dont feel like repeating it but check the follow button and Ill see you later. cuddles with quackity quackity x reader - where's my hair? Charlie sat off to the side, unaware of the anger that was coursing through Quackity's veins. Its also loosely based on the song Community Gardens by The Scary Jokes. I honestly shouldnt have let him stream from my setup! Nein, of course not! Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Because I couldnt figure out how to tell you. The man he was before the alcohol and power got to him. As I make my way closer, I see one of the short males turn to face me. Stab me with that sword. Ludwiggggggggg! his eye twitched and a light pink blossomed across his cheeks as you laid across his lap, there was honestly no need to do this other than the fact that you wanted to and ma, You wore black combat boots, camis, and a sparkly corset in the pattern of the German flag. Out of no where, Tommy jumps up and yells. Alright, whats the news? Tony asks as soon as he picks up. hallo! Either playing minecraft and annoying the shit out of you or blowing your phone out at like 2 am and being like hey bitch guess what? He wanted to start over. Warnings: Reference to tits as a joke, slight innuendo, cursing, a single mention of k*lling, but overall just fluff fun! He wants to hold you but at the same time be held. Anger covered his face, his eyebrows furrowing. Where do you think you are? He asks me. Shes everyones little sister unless its Wilbur then shes the love of his life). I gave him a pouty face while trying to get his attention. You couldn't help but laugh, it was extremely rare to get snow here, and yet there it was. A/N: IT IS SO HARD TO QUOTE WILBUR BECAUSE HE KEPT SAYING UMM AND WOULD JUST RANDOMLY END A SENTENCE AND START TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE. "Ludwig! What would they do to make their s/o happy? Youre my son! They chuckled, Quackity im covered in flour. He pulled her closer grumbling, Dont care. He straightened up placing a soft kiss on their cheek. Both laying on your sides face to face. I honestly dont care about Starks lectures at this point, throwing objects is fun. Will was 20, fundy was 4 and y/n was 1. What would the marriage be like? He doesnt know he doesnt know that shes gone. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Purpled made this for you. I get out of the vehicle, looking around. 1,221 notes Mar 4th, 2021. But Itll be done sometime this night! Okay, being Peters girlfriend is the best, Im not saying it isnt, but honestly, this boy needs to learn that just because I have the ability to move objects with my mind, doesnt mean I have to do everything for him! Alex looks shocked at that. He just likes to be touching you. My phone begins vibrating. If he glanced behind himself he could still catch sight of his ship resting on the waters quite a distance away, although near enough that he didnt feel, thank God, abandoned. Tommy where are we going? I ask for about the third time during our little night drive. You have no clue how hard it has been without you, he said pulling away to look at Y/n. Once full of life and love. Its all gone! Phil yells, shaking me from my trance. Besides, you're going over to a friend's house; hopefully, he won't be too mad. -He can get really jealous when y'all are out with friends and you're paying more attention to them than him especially if it's someone like Dream or Wilbur Everything about this nation leads to death, and it has to be cleansed. Are they empathetic? I meant to bring a pipe to me and instead I brought the whole bottom floor ceiling down on itself. quackity doesnt like being shipped with other cc (mainly his friends), but this isnt supposed to be shipping him with anyone but y/n. ), Remember the rules & who/what we write! like if you just crawl onto the bed behind him & hug him? ALSO LOVES THE DREAM FIC YOU HAD!!! Hope you enjoyed. Im sorry, I should have stopped them sooner, he whispered. Feel free to check that out if you feel like it. That's what this was, what Las Nevadas is supposed to be, and as soon as it is finished, he'll be free. But, Im an agent here, I knew what type of work Id have to do if I joined. The tower was supposed to be done forever ago. He immediately ends the stream, but doesnt disconnect from the discord call. reader) (pt 1), knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 3)), knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 3.5)), wilbur (tommy's older sibling! I'm sorry if your tall but for the sake of the story the reader is short. "I don't understand why it has to be perfect. #nihachu All translations in the description Give me that, get me this! :D, Quackity x f!readerTW: Fireworks (Loud noises), cursing, fluff, It Started With Hey, babe? anon quackity x reader dream smp x reader mcyt x reader angst quackity x y/n quackity x you horned reader tw self harm tw panic attack. I could take care of myself!

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