roman gods sacred animals

This connection between the Rome founder and Venus had strong symbolic power as associated the birth of Rome with the generating power of love. Her worship dates from the very foundation of Rome and her temple used to have a central position in the Roman Forum, where it is still possible to see the house of the vestals, her priestesses. Gods and goddesses were more mutable in their exact roles than humans, but the adaptability of the gods allowed them to continue to be worshipped. A mushroom is highlighted as a special ingredient to be added along with other plants to the mixing of a pithos of wine. Apollo entered into the Roman Pantheon directly from the Greek religion and maintained most of his Greek character. In both scenarios, it is possible to draw parallels between Roman and Greek Gods and Goddesses. National Geographic stated in an article that cats ruled in ancient Egypt. Birds were classified into classes, such as birds which flew in groups, and those which flew alone, those making nasty sounds were considered an omen. The son of Zeus and Hera, Ares is the god of courage, war, civil order and battlelust in Greek mythology. A lake near Minturnae was named after her. Bull jumping, bull baiting, bull fights and running of the bulls are events where they were, and in some cases still are, featured. Demeter is the goddess of fertility, harvest, agriculture, grains, bread and sacred law in Greek mythology. [23][24] Of those listed, he writes, "several names have their roots in both languages, as trees that grow on a property line creep into both fields. The Roman emperor Julius Caesar also claimed her as an ancestor. German theoretical physicist Max Planck was told by his professor not to go into Physics as almost everything is discovered already. To glorify these treasured pets, wealthy families adorned them in jewels and fed them food fit for royalty. The God overlooking the start and finish of everything, Janus was represented as with two faces, looking the opposite way one from the other. She is often portrayed with an owl, known as the Owl of Minerva. Cicero considers it a normal epithet for Jupiter, in regard to whom it is probably a synonym for Omnipotens. Most sacred animals are not reflective of the animal itself, but rather the god it represents. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Throughout the Empire, the deities of peoples in the provinces were given new theological interpretations in light of functions or attributes they shared with Roman deities. Helmets/helms are the main Ares symbol while the other symbols of Ares include spears, shields, chariots, boars, dogs and vultures. The Titans, Cyclopes, and Hecatonchires (Hekatonkheires, Hecatoncheires) were unable to escape and prosper. an historic Greek goddess related to love lust magnificence pleasure ardour and procreationShe was syncretized with the Roman goddess VenusAphrodites main symbols embrace myrtles roses doves sparrows and swansThe cult of Aphrodite was largely derived from that of the Phoenician goddess Astarte a cognate of the . Hares, doves, turtle-doves, geese, sparrows, swallows, fish, shellfish and swines were Aphrodite's sacred animals while roses, myrtles, anemones, apple trees, lettuces and pomegranates were her sacred plants. The Greek Gods, called Fauns were said to be half-goat and half-human. Her sacred animal was the donkey, which was the animal used by bakers to turn mill stones in order to make flour. His main festival was called Saturnalia and happened between 17-19 December. These were also placed in six male-female pairs. Some Roman literary sources accord the same title to Maia and other goddesses.[9]. In many societies, ancient and modern, religion has performed a major role in their development, and the Roman Empire was no different. Born from Saturn and Opus, sister and wife to Jupiter, Juno is an important Roman Goddess embodying feminine powers. [citation needed] The Dea Caelestis was identified with the constellation Virgo ("The Virgin"), who holds the divine balance of justice. He is also one of the 3 gods of the Capitoline Triad. Guilds and Gods: Religious Profiles of Occupational collegia and the Problem of the dendrophori, Koen Verboven 12. In line with his mythology, he is usually represented as a young man slaying a bull, with ears of corn emerging from the animals blood. Her sacred plant is the olive tree. Mars is the Roman God of war, representing all forces of destruction. There are numerous mythical stories about the Wolf, one of them stating that the She-Wolf or the Lupa took in the human baby twins Romulus and Remus as her own and fed them with milk. She shares with Jupiter a dominant role over the other Gods and goddesses over the Roman Pantheon, of which she is essentially queen and mother. The bear is one of the most powerful and most feared of the animal kingdom. Athena was a very important figure who took part in many important Greek myths. He is also known as the King of the Gods since he is the main Continue reading the article, Despite not being a flashy character or having amazing war stories or mythical tales of love under her belt, Hestia was one of the most significant gods in Greek mythology. His identifying instrument is the thunderbolt. Here you'll find all collections you've created before. The meaning of the epithet indiges (singular) has no scholarly consensus, and noven may mean "nine" (novem) rather than "new". For example, the Roman god Mars was similar to the Greek god Ares, while the Roman goddess Juno was similar to the Greek goddess Hera. Giano is a roman God without a Greek equivalent. His other symbols are identical with his sacred animals and plants. Her aspect as a triple goddess is Diana Triformis, which includes herself, and the goddesses Luna and Hecate. He is one of the most Hellenic Roman gods, as he shares the same name as his Greek counterpart. In an article published by, the educational institution published a response to scholar Rodney Taylors paper on the relation of animals to humans in a conceptualized manner in the ethico-political and socio-political spheres. Venus was the goddess of love, beauty. Gods such as Mithra and Goddesses such as Isis also had a strong following in Rome. His identifying instrument is the thunderbolt. W.H. He was the king of gods and the chief deity of the ancient Roman Empire before Christianity became dominant. Goddess of the hunt. Their god appears as a pig with erect bristles and . #3 - Heket, the Frog Goddess. Fennels were sacred plants to him as their stalks were used to carry fire from one place to another. He is the sibling of Jupiter and Pluto. In another, he was the father of Romulus and Remus by Rhea Silvia, a Vestal Virgin. A group of sacred monkeys Pigs The people of ancient Egypt regarded pigs as sacred and as an important deity. One only needs look at the names of our planets to see this: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and even poor little Pluto are all named for Roman gods. Zeus had eight wives, Hera, Metis, Themys, Eurynome, Demeter, Mnemosyne, Leto and Maia, although only Hera was known to be his legal wife. Ancient Greeks Continue reading the article, Todays post is about Zeus, one of the most important figures in Greek mythology, if not the most important. Diana is the main Roman Goddess of the lunar light. Juno overlooks over weather events, especially the lunar phases. The main Poseidon symbol is his trident, his iconic weapon. He was usually depicted as a bearded, crippled man with hammer, tongs, and anvil, and sometimes riding a donkey. Planets - Sun. The most famous is the little owl, which was associated with Athena because she was the patron goddess of the city of Athens, where owls were said to be common. Everything in the Roman world was divinely touched, and any new discovery would carry with it a touch of divinity. [4], Grammatically, the form Caelestis can also be a masculine word, but the equivalent function for a male deity is usually expressed through syncretization with Caelus, as in Caelus Aeternus Iuppiter, "Jupiter the Eternal Sky. It is believed that the earliest traditional feasts of Rome, famously known as the Lupercalia, feasts in honor of the God Pan, who himself was half man and half goat. Bird - Parrot The ancient Romans had an intrinsic love for naturalistic sadism due to which they employed wild beasts for the giving capital punishments to the public. Romes major pantheon is remarkably stable. The civilization is remembered for the pyramids, the Sphinx, hieroglyphics, pharaohs and distinct afterlife beliefs. From the middle Imperial era, the reigning Empress becomes Mater castrorum et senatus et patriae, the symbolic Mother of military camps, the senate, and the fatherland. As such, he was one of the most important roman Gods and the embodiment of one of the two most powerful forces of the Universe: death (the other one being love). She was highly revered, and worshiped along with Jupiter and Juno as one of the Capitoline Triad. Greek Nymph. Up next. The ancient Rome society was a pastoral society and Rome Animals were of immense utility. In one, Hera bore him, without Zeus, at the touch of a magic herb given her by Flora. The Heliopolitan myth of creation states that in the beginning there was nothing but an endless sea. God of War. Mitra (Mithra) is an Asian God whose cult arrived in Rome in the I century AD. Apollo was the Roman god of the Sun and agriculture. Ovid, in Fasti, tells of Mars's attempt to seduce Minerva. One of the most volatile and wrathful of the Olympian gods, Poseidons rule extended over all bodies of water. The dog is also capable of great affection and compassion, which goes far beyond the understanding of humans. Goddess of beauty and love, Venus is a powerful symbol of all-natural forces of generation and birth. Sacrifice was a fundamental practice in many Roman ceremonies as the Romans believed that they would have good fortune if the gods were happy. The son of Zeus and Hera, Ares was the Greek god of war and courage in Greek mythology. The most extensive lists are provided by the Church Fathers who sought systematically to debunk Roman religion while drawing on the theological works of Varro, also surviving only in quoted or referenced fragments. Her temple at the Forum Romanum was off-limits to all except her priestesses called the Vestal Virgins. Vesta was the native Roman goddess of the fireplace and the six virgins tended the sacred fire, baked sacred salt cakes (mola salsa) and oversaw the care of sacred objects in the temple. The owl symbolises her wisdom and knowledge. Married to Odin. Goats, donkeys, lions, serpents, and wild bulls were also considered sacred to the god. She helped Greeks win the legendary Trojan War, aided Oddyseus on his journey back home and Heracles while he tried to fulfill his twelve labors and warned Perseus about the magical powers Medusa possessed. But cats took the spot as the favorites so nothing has changed over the centurieshahahaha! He was very important in day-to-day life until the start of the Christian era in Egypt, after which mummification was outlawed entirely. Goddess of nature, fertility, childbirth, wildwood, moon, forests, animals, mountains, woods, and women. The peak of cultic activities involving birds can be seen from the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty (c. 664-525 BC) to the Roman Period (c. 30 BC-AD 395), where sanctuaries dedicated to the worship of the ibis could be found throughout Egypt. When the illegitimate Minerva burst out of Jupiters head, Juno sought to do the same thing. Poseidon had Ares tried on the Areopagos with the twelve gods presiding. Not to be confused with, The three Roman deities cultivated by major flamens, Twelve Roman deities attended by the minor flamens, The three Roman deities cultivated by major, Twelve Roman deities attended by the minor, R.W. This extension of an Imperial honorific to major and minor deities of Rome and her provinces is considered a ground-level feature of Imperial cult. The first Augusta was Livia, wife of Octavian, and the title is then shared by various state goddesses including Bona Dea, Ceres, Juno, Minerva, and Ops; by many minor or local goddesses; and by the female personifications of Imperial virtues such as Pax and Victoria. She was believed to be the protector of women and their marriages. Also recognized as "Jove", Jupiter is well known for bagging his weapon, a thunderbolt, which accompanies a sacred animal, an eagle. The lyre, which he played so skillfully to create magical tunes, was one of those symbols. Dating back thousands of years are stories of wolf gods and goddesses. Often represented with running horses, representing the power of the sea, he was also the Gods of horses. Disclaimer: Articles on this website may contain affiliate links and, should you make a purchase through them, we might make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Vestas temple had a sacred fire inside and the Vestal Virgins tended to it and saw to it that it never went out. He constructed tools and weapons for the other Roman deities, and the fires from his forge were said to be the force behind violent volcanic eruptions. She . Around 180 BCE sacrificial rites in honor of Apollo, Aesculapius, and Salus took place there[16] Vesta is the protector of home fires of Rome. The eagle is his sacred animal and the thunderbolt is his identifying weapon. Both pets and wild animals were significant to Egyptian society, from mummified cats to chariot-pulling stallions. Salus is identified with the Greek Hygieia. This ancient deity has a unique symbolic meaning in ancient Rome: legend tells us that Romulus was raised into the sky as Quirinus. Apollo is the only god in the classical pantheon to share the same name in both Greek and Roman traditions. Here is everything you should know about Poseidons symbols, sacred plants and animals, his family tree and myths involving him. The name is derived from the Latin cupido, "desire". She was feared by Ares and sought after for advice from the other Greek gods and goddesses. The main temple of Jovis in Rome was on the Capitoline Hill, one of the most important of the seven hills of Rome in terms of religion and temples. Saturn, for instance, can be said to have another origin here, and so too Diana. Davies, "The Training Grounds of the Roman Cavalry,", Tatius is said by Varro to have dedicated altars to ", Marko Marini, "Roman Archaeology in Vergil's Arcadia (Vergil, de Grummond, N. T., and Simon, E., (Editors), List of Roman birth and childhood deities,, Two other deities whose names are not known, This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 22:33. Oxen and donkeys were used mainly for lifting purposes, which may be used for plowing and tilling the land or for running machinery in the construction industry. Mercury was the youngest son of Jupiter, and his mother was Maia. She possessed a sacred forest near Minturnae (Minturno) on the border of Latium and Campania[8] Neptune is the Roman God of the sea, supreme rules of the world of water just like Jupiter of the Sky and Pluto of the underworld. Royal scepters and cornucopia are his main symbols. It is also used in the Mithraic mysteries. Juno and Jovis were a celestial couple and the solidity of their relationship is considered essential for the balancing of world forces and therefore prosperity. 03 He has a three-headed guard dog named Cerberus. Isis is a female Goddess from Egypt with many followers in Ancient Rome. He is the god of blacksmiths, forges, stone masonry, metalworking, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, volcanoes, metallurgy and sculptors in Greek mythology. His descendants settled in Latium and count Rhea Silvia, mother of Romulus. [1] For the cult pertaining to deified Roman emperors (divi), see Imperial cult. Juno was associated with all aspects of a womans life, most particularly marriage. He is Venus husband and often carries a hammer. Animal worship (or zoolatry) is an umbrella term designating religious or ritual practices involving animals.This includes the worship of animal deities or animal sacrifice.An animal 'cult' is formed when a species is taken to represent a religious figure (Teeter et al., 2002, p. 355).Animal cults can be classified according to their formal features or by their symbolic content (Thomas 1911, p . There is a sense that while Rome is a cosmopolitan city that is more than open to outside influence, nothing will ever be quite so grand as the myths on which the city was initially founded. "Agraulos [daughter of Kekrops king of Athens] and Ares had a daughter Alkippe. Venus was married to the Roman god Vulcan. Grapevines, panthers, cheetahs, leopard skin and the pine-cone staff known as thyrsus were the symbols of Dionysus. Quirinus was an ancient deity of the Sabinian people with characteristics similar to those of the Latin Mars. The worship of Janus traditionally dated back to Romulus and a period even before the actual founding of the city of Rome. Other symbols representing Hades are mostly his sacred animals and plants. Their virility kept up herds, generating wealth . Present. Sharing information and raising discussions in the veterinary community. The people of ancient Egypt regarded pigs as sacred and as an important deity. Often represented coming out of water, Represented in full armor and with an owl, like Greek Athena, Goddess of wilderness, nature and hunting, Represented as a man busy with metallurgic work, Represented as a mature woman with a sceptre, Asian and then Roman God of the light, sun and agriculture, Represented as a man slaying a bull with ears of corn sprouting from it, The ancient God of Rome, associated with Romulus, Often represented as a bearded young man, his symbol seems to have been the plant of the myrtle, God of beginnings and endings, of doors and change, A head with two faces looking opposite ways, His symbols were the 3 headed dog Cerberus and the snake, Wine, horticulture, ambiguity and theater, Represented as a hawk or as a woman with eagle eyes, The Muses, 9 Greek/Roman deities overlooking the arts, The three Graces, representing all that is beauty and grace, Juventus, the Greek Goddess Hebe, Roman symbol of youth, Aesculapius, God of medicine and health, whose work is represented by a snake around a rod, shedding his skin (symbol of renewal), Cibeles originally arrived in Rome from Crete and Asia Minor, she represented mountain life and the generating power of soil and nature, Bacchus God of wine and horticulture, often represented with grapes and vines, in the company of Satyres, Felice Ramorino Classical Mythology, Hoepli Milan, Lana and Fellin: Latin Literature Anthology. Gods like Jupiter, Apollo, and Janus hold their place even as new gods cycle in and out of fashion. A fantastic statue in Rome representing this myth is the famous taking of Proserpina by Gian Lorenzo Bernini in the Borghese Gallery. In Hinduism alone deities like Lord Shiva whose steed was a bull called Nandi, cows are honored in sacricity by having statutes erected in their reverence. Demeter being the Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility, most of her symbols are related to harvest and abundance. There are several different animals that are associated with Athena in classical literature and mythology. He went on to originate Quantum theory & won a Nobel Prize. Protector of all arts and especially of metallic work, he was a positive God of workmanship and business. One fact at a time! As such, he was worshipped as a god of agricultural prosperity and fertility. Daughter of Jupiter, she is the sister of Apollo, and somewhat his female equivalent. Have you ever wondered what it takes to own a pet pig? These Greek similarities then found their way into the Roman culture and hence many Greek and Roman gods have a lot in common. Mars is the Roman god of war and agriculture, two very important aspects of the early Roman civilisation. Mercury is the Roman deity overlooking trade and commerce. One place however was devoted to them all: the Rome Pantheon built, as the name suggests for all the Gods (Pan=all; Theon=Gods, in Greek). Zeus is the god of the sky, lightning/thunder, weather, fate and kings in Greek mythology. Gods of Day and Weather, Jovis held the destructive power of lighting but also brought beneficial rain to agricultural land and would, therefore, be a powerful symbol of the force of nature. They had Mars, the god of war, the sea god, Neptune, Bacchus, the god of wine, and much more. Hippocamp (half-horse . Mars is portrayed as a warrior in full battle armor, wearing a crested helmet and bearing a shield. 555 Angel Number Meaning And Symbolism: A Detailed Explanation, Mormon Symbols: The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints Symbolism, Sideways Cross Meaning 3 Big Differences From Other Christian Crosses, Jewish Symbols And Their Meanings: The Symbols of Judaism Explained, Greek God Symbols, Sacred Animals And Plants, Ancient Egyptian Symbols And Their Meanings. Monkeys enjoy a high status here and are regarded as sacred. Vulcans oldest shrine was located at the Forum Romanum. He. Caca The Roman goddess of the hearth and the sister of the fire-breathing giant Cacus. Monkeys enjoy a high status here and are regarded as sacred. The meaning of Consentes is subject to interpretation, but is usually taken to mean that they form a council or consensus of deities. Animals - Goat: Aegir. Hestia is the virgin goddess of the hearth, family, home, sacrificial flame, Continue reading the article. We are a community that offers to share information between the veterinary enthusiasts. I hope you enjoyed this overview of the most important Roman gods and Goddesses and their symbols. Animal and Human Sacrifice. An 18th-century French history based on classical sources records that Roman priests kept a flock of sacred chickens, which supposedly reflected the will of the gods by feeding on the grain. He is depicted in many ancient Greek artworks as holding the lightning bolt in his hand like a spear. Frigga, the primary goddess of wisdom, strategy, war, motherhood, and queens. 2021 | All rights reserved. [27] Varro, however, says that the altars to most of these gods were established at Rome by King Tatius as the result of a vow (votum).[28]. Jupiter is considered the all-time most powerful ancient Roman God. Minerva is the powerful Roman goddess of knowledge. After Continue reading the article, Carrying on with our articles series on Greek god symbols, we will be discussing the Greek goddess of wilderness Artemis, her symbols, sacred animals and plants in todays post. Virgil tells us that Aeneas, escaping Troy, brought his lares and penates to Italy to give them a new home and preserve and protect his family. Being a country surrounded by the sea, a part of which was also made of islands, life in ancient Greece heavily depended on the sea and the bounties it provided. Following the Etruscan tradition, the ancient Romans made varied and extensive use of animals in fortune-telling, with mainly the birds employed for this purpose. Wolf medicine is strong medicine. Now that we are finished with the six children of Kronos and Rhea, let us continue with the second generation of Olympian gods and their symbols. This explains why, despite the many stories connected to marital trouble between the two, peace between the two always ended up prevailing. Robust in stature, he is seen . The Fasti of Ovid depicts her as a jealous woman. Like all cultures, they also had a wealthy and vibrant mythological background. The two Greek mythological creatures called Silenus and Satyr both had a goat-like shape. Gods were called Pater ("Father") to signify their preeminence and paternal care, and the filial respect owed to them. User Experience Workshop. 4. Fire: Color - Red. This is a directory of Roman gods and goddesses, their offspring and consorts, and other minor dieties:[1]. HEPHAESTUS Roman Name: Vulcan 40. Befitting to the goddess of wisdom, owls, the birds closely associated with wisdom, are the sacred animals of Athena. The holm oak, also known as the holy oak and the evergreen oak, and the olive trees are known as Zeus' sacred plants. From an initial array of gods and spirits, Rome added to this collection to include both Greek gods as well as a number of foreign cults. Eagles Her main symbol is the hearth (the fireplace in a house) and its fire. Remains of the temple of Isis in Rome are still visible in the city (via Labicana) in and we have at least one large statue of Isis dating from Roman times, which you can see in Piazza San Marco (Piazza Venezia). Gorgoneions, amulets with Medusa heads on them, and aegis, the magical item only carried by Zeus and Athena, which is suggested to be either a piece of clothing made of animal skin or a shield, are the two main symbols of Athena. Neptune - God of the Sea. As Rome was an empire ultimately based on conquest and acquisition, Mars had a special place in Roman worship. Goats, donkeys, lions, serpents, and wild bulls were also considered sacred to the god. The son of Venus. The goat has also been worshipped in Greek and Egyptian mythology. As war was kind of a big thing for the Romans, they logically created a party to launch the date (around mid-March). Their deity appeared as a pig with erect bristles who kept an eye on storms, chaos, deserts, and darkness. Hecate The Greek Goddess. Rome is a city built by demi-gods, after all, so it would stand to reason that her gods would likewise be able to walk among mortals. Hadess sacred plants are mint, white poplars, pomegranates, cypress trees and narcissus flowers. Ares: vultures, venomous snakes, dogs, boar Aphrodite: dove, sparrow Hephaistos: crane, donkey Hermes: tortoise Hestia: no idea Poseidon: horse, dolphin Hades: screech owl, black ram Dionysus: tiger, leopard Demeter: pigs Athena: owl Artemis: deer, bears, and wild boars Apollo: swans, ravens, hawks, mice, cicadas 24 4 Quora User The Incredible Dunkirk Evacuation- in rare pictures, Elizabethan Food and Drink- Brief History & Key Facts, 10 Famous Female Warriors Who Made Their Mark On History. Roman equivalent of the Greek Goddess Athena, Minerva is the daughter of Jupiter and tradition wants her to be born already in her shiny armor from his head. When it comes to Greek Gods and dogs as sacred animals, Greek mythology reveres in a three-headed dog, named Hydra. Other Hestia symbols are wine, oil, kettles, veils, chaste trees and architecture. She is equal to the Gaulish goddess Epona, whose cult was later adopted by the Roman army. Hephaestus Sacred Animal Donkey, guard dog, crane Hephaestus was the god of craftsmanship and fire, and the donkey, the guard dog, and the crane were all considered his sacred animals. 1. Who were the 12 Roman Gods and Goddesses? They were used in the form of oxen to pull plows and carts. My name is Marta, I am a travel loving mama, born and bred in that messy, wonderful, infuriating, awe inspiring and unbelievably beautiful city that is Rome. The most famous of his sacred animals in myth was the Cretan Bull, sire of the Minotaur. He is also known as the herald of gods and the personal messenger of his father, Zeus. Mitra was often worshipped in underground temples (mitrea) some of which we can still access. Her myth is strongly associated with that of her daughter Proserpina, taken by Pluto to the underworld and only given back to her mother for six months of the year. The legend as narrated by Virgil tells us that Aeneas, son of Venus and Anchises, left Troy and settled in Rome. Here is everything you need to know about Hermes, his symbols, sacred animals and plants, and Greek Continue reading the article, In the next part of our series on Greek God symbols, we will be going back to ancient Greece to discuss Poseidon, the god of oceans and earthquakes, horses, floods and droughts in Greek mythology. The month of March and the planet Mars are named after him. She is best-known for her connections with peace and handicrafts such as spinning and weaving. Venus was the Roman goddess of the home and hearth. Additionally, the Romans depict the goddess with a muscular build, adorning an armour and carrying a sword. 2) Jupiter- The Roman god of the sky Jupiter, also known as Jove is the Roman deity of the sky. Roman farmers sacrificed one pig, one goat and one bull to Mars. The following groups, however, are numberless collectives. Bulls, panthers and serpents were the sacred animals of Dionysus while grapevine, bindweed and ivy were the plants sacred to him and his worshippers. Minerva was the Roman goddess of knowledge and science. "The All-Mother". Rome is a city rich in symbolism. He is the Roman god of Volcanoes and forging. Ancient Sea God, protects seafarers, can raise storms & cause shipwrecks Aesculapius.

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