casanova asteroid astrology tumblr

people may be worried about your rejection of them. your realism and black and white thinking makes drama and gossip seem like bullshit. but really its because you strongly dislike co-dependence in a relationship and definitely dislike it when they tell you what to do - this could indicate divorce if you ever get into a marriage like that. your priorities are you first like aphrodite; which is fabulous but make sure you dont come across as too callous when saying so. Grief, loss, mourning. Though, you are very sensitive individual who has trouble blending in. Arachne was an incredibly talented weaver, and compared herself to the Gods (and actually, said she was better than them!). this was pretty fun to go over all the different ways i see aphrodite in a chart - especially in the context of different asteroids from her myth! its all in the gaze for you - it is haunting in a way that people could be blindfolded and still imagine and feel the intensity of your gaze just after one occurrence of feeling the real thing. Since Loki is everywhere so many of us have had encounters with Loki, we took a quick poll: you likely appear petite with very soft, long hair - again venus ruled aphrodite signs have my envy lol my skin and hair will never be as glorious as yours lmfao. your look is your everything to you - it shows who you truly are more than most any of the other signs because people tend to talk for you instead of talking with you (aphrodites arrival in olympus vibes for sure)! miley cyrus has asteroid fama in the 5th house (self-expression, drama, creativity) and abundantia in the 1st. you may also have a curvy physique (might have great boobs lol) and/or round face. In astrology, Pallas Athene indicates intuition, problem solving and wisdom. oddly people are often thankful for your intervention. Often, Anubis strongly placed in a chart means that death is more than a passing issue; death may become the focus or a recurrent theme in the individuals life. Pile 3 i must apologize -pinkpantheress. Next to any of the love asteroids (Amor, Eros, Psyche) this can make for disastrous or painful love affairs, and can even indicate death or loss of a partner. Melete is connected to the Greek word for anxiety, and as such, can indicate anxiety disorders, panic attacks and other forms of mental anguish. 4h: your whole family is pretty - like what is that (the genetics are just that good)? One day Persephone is out picking flowers when the God of the Underworld Pluto (aka Hades) kidnaps her; he makes her the Queen of the Underworld. 7h: we know that you are the spicy goddess of beauty placement that is terminally single until suddenly you arent. it may take a while to see that and honestly social media is probably a big factor in reaching that realization sooner rather than later. you may be very bony - you were likely awkward in your youth but when you grew into yourself. aphrodite-mars: you may be admired for your passion, ability to lead others, and/or ambition. Niobe loses her entire family. aphrodite-ASC: positive aspects: super gorgeous, you are probably in the spotlight in the best way possible. i feel like you may not do that enough - its very go-go-go, work-work-work vibes. you may see intervening in others lives like helping others to have a happier life - its not advice from you, its fixing because you get actively involved in others lives. immaculately built - you are every statue ever sculpted, you likely are fairly tall with bold eyes and phenomenal thick hair. warning i can be harsh: please dont take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. With Apollos love gone, Klytia hopes to be snatched up by her paramour but he once again ignores her, and she withers away on a rock, staring at him, until she dies. It is named after adorea liba, the cakes used as offerings to the gods in Roman society. capricorn (10, 22): you are the type of person who gains a lot of followers over time from all walks of life. Triggered where Juno is in the chart, place of potential power and empowerment but issues with balance of power, infidelity, and betrayal. Normally, asteroid Ara would show where and how one is likely to give aid or be aided by others. you may appear to others as magnetic - everyone tends to find you pretty; your beauty is physical and personality-based. but no seriously i get that you want to feel free and wild but if you do not want a kid USE PROTECTION - yall are super fertile. aphrodite-venus: admired for your beauty, style, and/or charming personality. Phaethon is generally associated with out of control, dangerous behaviour, people that get carried away, car crashes and accidents. you definitely arent someone to start drama with or gossip about - think of psyche and aphrodite: youve got all the time in the world and know the truth. Many of the asteroids are named after the female family of Jupiterhis daughter Pallas Athena, his sister Ceres, his wife Juno. Persephone (aka Proserpina) is attached to her mother Ceres they are the best of friends and completely inseparable. Eventually, her mother finds her and negotiates a life where she will live above ground 6 months of the year, and below the other 6. or hey confront your significant other face to face - youll be able to sniff out a lie. They are really only relevant astrologically if the Asteroid is conjunct the Sun, Moon, chart ruler, rising or Midheaven degree. you could be a bully towards these women - in the cattiest of ways. Asteroid 7328 Casanova was discovered on September 20, 1984, by Czech astronomer Antonin Mrkos at Klet Observatory in the Czech Republic, and named for Italian writer and adventurer Giacomo Casanova (1725-1798), who is best known for his bedroom acrobatics but who was also an accomplished author who wrote on a wide variety of topics, including . Vesta Vesta in the signs describes how we face commitment, sacrifice, reasons for alienation, and work. #astrology on Tumblr Latest sussysluttyscorpio Follow Random Astrology Observations Part-10 (Mini Edition) (Above picture does not belong to me) (Please take only what reso n ates) ~ Mars opposite Mars in synastry: one being hella dominant and other being hella submissive. you are likely very emotional/expressive to those around you. If it conjuncts his Sun or Ascendant, seduction is like breathing. Tyche was the Greek Goddess of Fortune, so when afflicted can show poor fortune or luck. Eris- feminine equivalent of Mars, exalted in Cancer. She unknowingly challenged a disguised Athena, Goddess of weaving, to a weaving duel. Asteroid Lilith- Association with Scorpio. Similar to the Christian myth, Pandora was the original woman, fashioned out of water and earth, and of course, everything wrong with humanity is her fault (eye roll). you dont tend to go for extreme looks but rather the understated ones. these are the people who contributed to your self-care, nurturing tendencies, and sense of security in your self-esteem. there is a chance that you will experience a relationship similar to aphrodite and aress. you may appear to others as someone with a pretty mouth, pretty hands, and/or someone with toned arms. Who does not flee; the inescapable one. Not necessarily insecure but u pick up on negativity a lot and u channel it tho u dont rlly mean it and u wonder where these thoughts r comin from. you may also be prone to sexual exploration - this could surprise your partner as well because you may tell them you would like to try a threesome, sex club, or something they may find unconventional to a relationship. negative aspects: you may become the mother who believes no one is good enough for her son. Most of the asteroids exist in an orbital path between Mars and Jupiter, and their total mass amounts people with this aspect likely have a darker aesthetic to them (dark clothes, dark hair, etc.). When using asteroids the orbs must be very tight, not more than 1 orb. aphrodite-athene (881) OR pallas (2): positive aspects: you are appreciated and treated as an equal by the women around you. So in your own chart it's about how you can actively charm people. you have expensive tastes but its just not accessories, its your food too. you may be incredibly wise from your time devouring culture and experiencing the world - many people come to you for advice. you likely agree that you are dramatic or sassy but at the same time wont admit it because its part of the fun. the most modern yet basic clothes are worn by this placement - you likely dress pretty plainly but it still looks rather expensive on you. she had this mystical air of knowledge (she knew her purpose and where she had to go) and others couldnt help but gawk in her wake. your children/masculine friend may be more likely to hide things from you, even relationships. you likely have pretty good self-esteem and are likely charming. you likely arent a jealous person - if you get jealous its not just envy, its a whole spectrum of emotions or you get jealous on behalf of others. the material of clothing is super important to you - you may be sensitive to materials like wool or fleece or have preferences like cotton or silk! but you can get wrapped up in petty drama so try to pursue alternative: get off of social media for a bit, go for a drive, go for a walk, etc. I dont like it when Toro crops up around a personal planet like Venus, as it can sometimes indicate violent or intense and aggressive relationships. tip: the houses you find them in represent the areas in life where their influence is felt the most. aphrodite-jupiter: you are likely admired for your ability to attract a variety of new opportunities and see potential and all things around you. Goddess of blind folly, rashness, infatuation, and mischief. flodeshe liked this Secrets, hidden things, mysteries. Lucifer in the 2nd house - Will do anything to make money to feel secure. i will sit with you all day and tell you, you are pretty because you truly are - there is something so surreal about you. thats you. you may also be jealous of those you find prettier than you - you may target them. something about who you connect with others feels heavy and unbreakable until you are the one to break it. Chiron was the first centaur discovered and equally the most well-known of the mythical centaurs; arguably Chiron is the most important of all the centaurs. Chirons themes include: the wounded healer archetype, learning through suffering, compassion for others suffering, resistance to pain, liminal reality, pre-birth influences, ancestral influences, exile, healing, transformation. you are the aphrodite who is just walking through the world adored and you barely realize it because you are so busy taking in the world and the culture around you. Juno in the 7th house/in Libra is really unforgiving after argument and you probably really demand strict rules of your partners behaviour, you refuse to compromise, you see permanent togetherness as the end goal of a partnership. He asked his father if he could drive the chariot of the sun but when he took the reigns things span out of control rather quickly. Long time no see. you probably love your sweats but also love to glam it up every so often! Moira may show negative karma in a chart or a very fated life. you may be the person who struggles to gain a following unlike other placements though you are very caring. i know you are killing it. Jealousy, especially acts driven by jealousy that end poorl, a tattle-tale, a gossip. 8h: we know that every relationship for you feels like you are flying and then by the end the whole town is burning to ash. Eventually, she became such a shell of a being that all that was left of her was her echo. what do you want? Eros- in the orbit of Mars, Mars, Aries, Scorpio. you may have the power to manipulate those around you (like aphrodite did psyche). you probably change your style pretty often - you may even like designer brands and lots of bracelets/rings! where a lot of people like or adore or love you. Just like it says on the tin: Beer is commonly found in strong positions in the chart of heavy drinkers, or those who have or have had issues with alcohol. Swindle has got it ALL. you may be a perfectionist when it comes to your beauty and others you may have a strong opinion regarding a beauty standard. aphrodite-neptune: please dont think you arent pretty enough. !!! sleep? Weaving, woven items, weaving things together, jealousy of god-given talents, talents that lead to pain or persecution, arrogance, boastfulness. and someone please tell me if the positive aspect versus negative aspect is more helpful to you as well! Black moon is just a black moon symbol in the chart, whereas black moon Lilith will have the cross at the bottom of the moon. you may have been treated as a mini adult from a young age and may have learned more about romance and sex than you should at that age. Asteroid Karma is a great indicator of such energy within a birth chart. you are probably an iconic dresser: everything you wear looks like its made for you! But the true fulfillment of the worship of Vesta is the recovery of human value, and the steady watch over the inward need of all life to be approached in a spirit of surrender and responsive beholding of what is truly there. lmfao. They lean towards beauty and harmony. but no everyone loves you for your mind. Hera killed all of her children as a punishment. While not necessarily bad (it can stand for an assertive, power-house type of personality, particularly in women), Bellona strongly placed in charts can be extremely confrontational or willing to fight. Vesta also deals with how we face personal sexual energy: with repression, expression, or impulses. This asteroid can also talk about areas of wounding we cannot escape, such as alcoholism or drug abuse. aphrodite-hestia (46): positive aspects: you are unaffected by the disagreements of those around you - you dont judge people for their sexual choices and they dont judge you - you live harmoniously together accepting each other for what you are as individuals (girl power vibes). However, his own heart is not involved, although it LOOKS as it is. you probably love perfumes too - vanilla bean is probably a staple/classic! Ambushes can be psychological as well as physical. They work best by themselves, as they like to be their own leader. gemini (3, 15, 27): you likely capture everyones interest as soon as you enter a room. Cupido is an interesting one. leo (5, 17, 29): you have a way of standing out to those around you - its a combo of everything your energy, your manner of speaking, your style - everything draws people in (queue the edward cullen speech from twilight)! Need I say more? negative aspects: could indicate inappropriate attraction to young boys - needing to put space between them and you so that no one gets in trouble. you may have a lot of family drama, drama regarding your feminine nature or lack thereof, or emotional drama. you are so enchanting in presence and personality. Groundhog Day, for Greeks. with this placement you may be a romantic - your approach to life is probably to see beauty in the world around you. aphrodite-mercury: admired for your intelligence, advice, comedic abilities, accommodating/go-getter nature, and/or your vast amounts of knowledge regarding others. Soul, mind, inner self, where you have the ability to transform, blossoming into a person who can love and be loved, self actualization, raising consciousness, totality of self, integration. though pre-warning your relationships may be a bit rocky (maybe even divorce worthy) - there is such a thing as too much alike. The appearance is highly important to them. Aggression, strength and power. However, of you have children, there will be a free flow of communication about everyday matters, children and food. Tells us what way or which area were deeply bothered if we arent treated properly. Would it surprise you if Swindle shows up prominently in the chart of the Donald? The retrograde is in Aries. Astrological significance: Pallas Athene is known to be the goddess of strategy in war and courage. you may actually relate to the eros and psyche story - you know someone will betray the other persons trust, they dont listen, then you just end up being like i told you so. also like that story you may have a hard time changing your opinion about others like aphrodite did about psyche! Early on, he is abandoned by his mother (his first wounding), who is horrified at his half-man, half-human form; he is soon taken to the Sun god Apollo, who teaches Chiron everything he knows about the healing arts. plus lets not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. Pains, suffering. everything feels so intimate that others feel like they are intruding when they stumble upon you speaking with others even when its not romantic. Marilyn Monroe has asteroid luda conjunct her sun in a 2 orb and conjunct her mercury in a 1 orb. aphrodite-moon: admired for your selflessness, creativity, flexibility/adaptability, and/or nurturing/protective nature. I dont post much on here, and especially not about sports, but I just wanted to say how proud I am of Morocco in the World Cup this year. being in drama or gossiping for you is like dancing on a stage - you put on a whole new persona (aphrodite in bed with ares type deal - what me? ), the more high end the better (100% real denim, silk blouses, designer, etc. you probably love organic foods, restaurant dining (the expensive object on the menu is your type), and i know you lowkey love dessert. Selecting Asteroid Numbers from a List. However, Cupido has a different slant than Eros. When poorly afflicted, Echo individuals do not believe in themselves, copy others, have little original thought, have no self-esteem or self-worth or have a hard time valuing/defending them against narcissistic partners. its never just aphrodite. Can indicate incest, sexual abuse or sexual relationships that go against natural law (bestiality, incest, et. you very rarely get into relationships unless you see longevity in the person or an adventure you cant resist (very ares and aphrodite like - cant resist the idea of something fun, exciting, and something a bit forbidden (someone you shouldnt be with may just be your type)). libra (7, 19): have you ever seen those fan videos where they are like they kissed my hand, im never washing this hand again? 9h: please let me be you. you were probably pretty popular in your school years. Hello, could you tell me what the asteroid Aphrodite in the 1st house in conjunction with Venus means? negative aspects: you could be in the spotlight in a negative way like this love goddess and ares trapped in the net in bed together. you may also be attractive for your financial situation - you are the breadwinner in every relationship unless you run into an aphrodite/adonis/mars in 2h/8h/11h, only then is the title of breadwinner up in the air. you could be a social media influencer as well and make pretty good money from it. you are the wild one everyone wants but very few get. Being in love but being ignored. It has to do with aspects and placements of Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune. it may go very far in the sense you create fake accounts to catch partners who potentially, and are likely not, cheating on you. Anubis is named after the jackal-headed Egyptian God of the Dead. though after a while they may see you as manipulative or controlling. The mind becomes a multiplex field of material-plane factors to track with and hold together. Example of famous people who have asteroid Luda (1158) prominent in their chart : Marilyn Monroe has asteroid luda conjunct her sun in a 2 orb and conjunct her mercury in a 1 orb. Pandoras themes include: curiosity, especially curiosity that kills the cat, initiating change through curiosity, unintended consequences, caught off-guard, restlessness, rebelliousness, meddling troublemaker. I searched aspects in birth charts that are linked to autistic people. i am innocent). Especially potent when used to look at charts for business transactions and mergers. Type of celestial body: Asteroid. Muhammad Ali had Icarus next to his Sun talk about speed! ASTEROIDS RELATED TO FAME: #37117 Narcissus - Vanity and Attractiveness #1862 Apollo - Attractiveness and Worship I have some other generally harsh aspects between Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter. it could also indicate a negative relationship with masculine energies in your life. ellie-mae-astrology:. if you are an underdeveloped 10h aphrodite, status symbols are likely important to you - you need a house, a nice car, a marriage, a dog, etc. all of this is in my opinion. The sword of Damocles is quite well known as an expression: in short, it encapsulates the danger that rulers/leaders live with as a by-product of their power. and like a 2h aphrodite you may be a bit particular but this isnt product-based, its more so due to your analytic nature. you may be an easily jealous person because you think so highly of yourself - if not you then who? if this aspect is a negative one you may be prone to cheating or being the jealous ex. ASTEROIDS RELATED TO FAME: #37117 Narcissus - Vanity and Attractiveness #1862 Apollo - Attractiveness and Worship you know everyone and are involved in nearly everything. you may struggle with your confidence every once in a while but trust me when I say you have the power to ignite the infatuation of others and destroy them at any moment. aphrodite-eos (221): positive aspects: you may befriend your exs new partner and be able to be cordial with people that typically others would hate point-blank without actually knowing them. this is her presence in a human being. you always have a defense for others and yourself - its always true and believable so people tend to back away. The Vesta trap is to accept as a given the requirement that one operate this way. you also probably have a very edgy style! Lie, cheat, fraud, steal. He was later freed by Heracles. you probably are delicate looking, youthful, petite, and have a nearly perfect golden ratio. aphrodite-sun: admired for your ambition, your caring nature, positive outlook, and/or your ability to express yourself so freely. Nyctimene in a birth chart closely aspecting the Sun, Moon, Venus, or strongly placed in the 5th or 8th Houses has on several occasions indicated issues of incest, rape, and abuse by the father or father figure. a good portion of your income goes to skincare, clothing, quality food, and the gym/fitness - really whatever it is that you do to look so good. May not work well in Scorpio, Chiron- Association with Pisces and Sagittarius. conjunctions with chart angles and planets (esp sun & moon) give prominence to an asteroid as well. Strife, discord, discontent, regenerative planet, feminine side of aggression, of war, of assertiveness, of anger, and of moving out into the world. you likely receive a fair amount of complaints! these are the people who are in like 20 clubs, have a book club, run a stand at the local farmers market, etc. Planets and asteroids in astrology are a fantastic way to connect with mythology. Nice having a title and all, but surely not ones first choice. aphrodite-zeus (5731): positive aspects: viewed by the men around as someone to be respected and protected from other men. you are the type that doesnt block an ex just so they know you are living the dream and they missed out on it OR you just rather that everyone in the situation walks away rather amicably (lets stay friends energy). virgo (6, 18): you are the person on a mission - aphrodite emerged from the sea and went to olympus. Cupido uses it's native eroticism as a player; to draw people to himself . you are like a wealth of social activity and knowledge. i feel like this placement constantly doesnt believe in their beauty and thus they are prone to mental health issues like EDs and dysphoria. this placement may be really good at giving support to others or charity work. there is a chance like, emily in paris, you have a travel blog or some sort of social media presence that showcases where you are and where you have been. cancer (4, 16, 28): your presence naturally puts everyone at ease. people come to you with their issues because you have near psychic wisdom that aids them with finding a solution. your style is very flexible you could show up at any event do a 360/complete change of plans and still look like you got ready for this particular occasion. scorpio (8, 20): you are super alluring to all those around you - *joe goldberg voice* they just want to know who you are. If you have Aquarius/in the 11th house Juno you try to adjust goals of your and your partner to a mutual satisfaction. The Sun chariot ended up scorching Africa, accounting for its desert areas; eventually Zeus struck him off the chariot to save the world and Phaethon died. Asteroids Cheat Sheet. you may even be the type of person that helps your kid when they run to you in a very final and known way (you right, mom, help). Zayn's Charis is in 11 Capricorn, Saturn is in Aquarius and Uranus conjunct the Sun. when your attention is captured, you are a complete enigma to those around you. like for sports, prom coverage, etc.? that being said you could have been adopted by another family member (zeus would have been aphrodites nephew lmao) or it could be a serious case of your the fairness of them all syndrome in your family. you are too nice to admit you dont remember someone as well. the truth is that you can have anything you want - so make sure it is what you want not what society expects or what the masculine energies around you expect you to have. Think commitment, give and take in partnership, the partnership itself, infidelity, betrayal, fairness, and compromise, multi-tasking, union, represents true love, marriage partner. you may be prone to changing your look up pretty often. you are likely a dewy makeup type or the type that rolls out of bed and still looks like a million bucks! Asteroid Klio is commonly associated with history, storytelling and writing, so is not a bad asteroid per se. Can indicate illness and agony. you may have a very athletic or toned body, with intriguing scars and/or nice genitals (you are likely super fertile too). al.). Originally known for having stolen ambrosia from Mount Olympus and taking it down to humans (therefore revealing the secrets of the Gods to humans), he then served up his dead sons body parts to the Gods of Olympus. there may be drama surrounding your educational path, anything you have forgotten (people may tend to yell at you for forgetting to do what is asked of you), and/or something you said out of context or when gossiping (that always leads to more drama - be careful who you gossip with if you have this aspect). If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. absolute sins for what im about to ask but have you read heroes of olympus by rick riordan? love asteroids love asteroid love romance astrology zodiac astro community astro placements astrology tumblr astro chart asteroid astrology. there is a chance you have an elegant neck (lovers are likely obsessed), you may be shorter than those around you, and/or have a stocky build (you are probably curvy af :p). but hey you are the one people come to for advice about love and romance because you have fabulous intuition when it comes to all things intimate. you may also have a very memorable face - sharp cheekbones, cut jaw, etc. everyone tends to look at you with judgment for your actions and it sucks so try your best to not let your ego get the better of you and do what you can to avoid drama and gossip because others are likely already spreading something about you. Ate was said to be behind the curse that started the Trojan War. it also may be a poseidon moment where people look at you and wonder what it would be like to be your lover. Generally in chart readings, I see Damocles in the chart of very powerful and successful people (investment bankers, military generals). The mockery of the Vestal is that in the profane temple of contemporary life, the flame that is watched over so vigilantly and preserved so caringly is the literal fact of outward existence as ones only fervent allegiance. you may even receive postcoital dysphoria - post-sex blues. In astrology, Charis is related to charisma, beauty. but have no fear as long as your aphrodite isnt aspecting zeus or hephaestus (see below), you are more than likely safe from being unwillingly married or immediately unsatisfied in marriage. I am undiagnosed so please take this with a grain of salt. please use my ask me anything button if you want to see a specific asteroid god/goddess next! Wisdom, creative intelligence, healing, genius qualities, masculine energy, how you make difficult decisions, how you temper instincts with reason, strategy you use to navigate new environments, strategy in life, intellectual alertness, relationship with fathers, Ceres- Earth mother, food, cooking, nutrition, gardening, how you feel nurtured, how you nurture others, where you easily provide love and comfort, depth of love, natural world, rhythm of reasons, womanhood, fertility, parenting, reproduction, attachment in relationships, self-care, relationship with mothers, Vesta- Daughter of Saturn, association with Virgo and Leo, weaker in Libra or Pisces.

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