bibbulmun track spreadsheet

Those that walk every step of the way can be registered as end-to-enders. Im trying to cut down on as much weight as possible. Use Google Sheets to create and edit online spreadsheets. I also maintain a rigorous stretching routine when Im on multi-day hikes, to keep my legs from seizing up and to protect my knees. It was the perfect opportunity for me to wind down from the more rugged and draining hikes of the previous few months. I have a question about the resupply in towns.. if you dont mind. For advice specific to the Bibbulmun, the Bibbulmun Track Hikers Facebook group is a useful resource. Next time I would dehydrate even more of my own food, specifically dinners if time allowed (they just worked out so well! If you take this option, be warned you WILL get sick of the food you make yourself, so be prepared to improvise. The name comes from the Bibbulmun, or Noongar people, Indigenous Australians . The track is officially measured as 1003 kilometres long, divided into 58 sections, each ending in either a town or a campsite. Bibbulmun Track camp site rebuilt after bushfires Bibbulmun Track Planning - Spreadsheets and an obsession with - Blogger Its designed to help decide which part of the 1000 km Track youd like to walk and to give you all the planning information you need. May 4th 2016 It is the night before (it actually isn't but I am now writing this all in retrospect) and I am so very excited. Plus purchasing a small amount of meals from the supermarket did still switch up my diet. As I mentioned in the last blog, there are 48 campsites on the Bibbulmun Track. In my defence, I find it difficult to get well-fitting boots because my second toes are longer than my big toes. Since I started using this I havent had a blister. Bibbulmun Track (WA, Australia) | Fastest Known Time Bibbulmun guide | Going Solo The Group page. I put together a list of distances from the details on the Bibbulmun Website today and a rough guide on how long I would potentially take, it's roughly based off your times but I've added a few extra days to sections as I won't be doing it as fast as you did. Western Australia generally doesnt experience snow or extreme cold, although it can get a little chilly at nights and in the early mornings, so warm clothes and sleeping gear are a must. Do you keep your phone on you? Full-day walks average about 16 km. I highly recommend it! The facilities are world class compared to most long-distance trails around the world. Where were the best opportunities to send parcels, such as to my accomodation spots or visitors centres? It doesnt do much to help the toe nail situation though! I love that people do that just for the love of helping. The first thing I needed to decide about was when to start the journey. Leave No Trace is all about promoting and inspiring responsible outdoor travel and recreation through education, research and partnerships. The Track was radically realigned (retaining less than 10% of the old route) and extended to Albany. The most important item on any hike is a pair of comfortable, well worn-in boots. Required fields are marked *. View topic - Bibbulmun Track Questions/Answers - Bushwalk The Bibb connects the outskirts of Perth on the west coast with the town of Albany on the south coast. Just read your article, brilliant! As much as I tried I still arrived in Northcliffe on a Sunday, which is the one day the cooperative is closed! It will come in very useful when I finally get to do my own E2E. The tank water is potable but if you get water from natural sources along the way its a good idea to treat it. One of many shelters with covered tables and water tanks. The shelters with the water supplies are 10 km apart in the first few days out of Perth, average 18 km over the rest of the track until they go back to 10-12 km apart as you come into Albany. The towns on the Bibbulmun Track are pretty spread out, with the greatest distance between two towns being 202 kilometres. It also helped me to better understand my bodys abilities, and made me realise how much more I could be doing with my life! These pages provide youth group leaders with the necessary tools to plan, lead and complete a successful expedition on the Bibbulmun Track. More to come, I'm sure. Spring is really recommended to see all the blooming flowers. Although I had grown up in the hiking mecca of Derbyshire in the UK, Id never done a multi-day hike and didnt even own a pair of hiking boots. But be warned, this is not a stroll in the park. You can add to this if you like, but remember you will have to carry whatever you take! I aimed to start my hike in late September and to walk north to south. Each campsite has a three-sided shelter, a water tank, a drop toilet and picnic tables. Thanks for the reply. This was just so I could purchase my muesli there in bulk & support their local business. The Bibbulmun Track Foundation hires out dehydrators to Western Australian locals for a fortnight. It was at a travel writing workshop with Susan Storm in early 1998. 10 kg each. Karri trees grow in the high rainfall areas of south west Australia. How much food you need to take will depend on your metabolism, how long you are walking for, and which section of the track you are doing. We have included all campsites, towns, recreation sites and legal vehicle access points as shown by the red car on the Bibbulmun Track maps and guidebooks. Donnelly River Village Northcliffe: Pack everything dehydrating my own food & post to DRV accomodation to reach Pemberton. If youre of average fitness, you could expect to finish the Bibbulmun in somewhere between 40 and 65 days, depending on your pace and how many rest days you take in towns. If you ever got foot pain while walking, its worth going to a podiatrist to get your feet assessed. If you can't find what you're after, please contact us. What about tracking navigation? (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). But once my heart had spoken, I felt I had to follow through. Although well be walking in Australias winter and rain is a distinct possibility, weve opted for lightweight trail shoes which will offer the tread we need without the weight and (hopefully) the blisters and pressure points on the feet. This well blazed trail travels through many national parks and state forests with various terrain that ranges from dense forest to beautiful coastland. From Perth, there are a couple of public buses that will take us straight to the Northern Terminus of the Bibbulmun Track in Kalamunda. I have done many day walks, 2 overnight walks and one 4 day/3 night walk on the Bibb. If you ever come this way let me know so I can return the favour Wildlife abounds on the Bibbulmun Track. The stores arent that basic, you should be able to get all those items you mentioned. To help you get started on overnight walks the Foundation also has a range of items for hire. The route is clearly marked out, with signs all along and huts every 10-20 km for hikers to sleep in (well be bringing a tent as a backup). Track Angels are locals that support hikers on the track - whether they be end to enders like us, or just doing sections of it - with food drops, accommodation, advice and lifts. If an access point is not shown here, then it is likely that it is not a permitted vehicle access point. These pages provide youth group leaders with the necessary tools to plan, lead and complete a successful expedition on the Bibbulmun Track. With a couple of exceptions (like the excellent Tier Gear, Wild Earth and Paddy Pallin), the Australian industry seems to have decided its simply not going to even try and keep up with technological advancements that are making it into the mainstream of the global hiking community. If youre an experienced hiker you probably wont find much here for you, but hey you dont know what you dont know! However, you don't need to finish it in one go, with 49 campsites along the track. Good luck! It is situated in a valley surrounded by karri forests, so its history is inextricably linked to forestry and logging. Buying food along the way also allowed me to get meals that I wanted to eat at the time, instead of having to make those choices months in advance. If some of the forums are anything to go by, people have hiked the APT and PCT - much longer trails than we are planning for - with as little as 5 kg base-packs (the weight of your bag before any food or drink is added). Thank you so much for the quick reply! Nowadays, I use an ultraviolet wand which doesnt affect the taste of the water. The Bibbulmun Track can be tough so, go on take a walk on the wild side! The next thing I needed to do in preparation for hiking the Bibbulmun Track (see my previous blog for the background to this crazy idea!) Is there anything else less essential you can leave out of your pack? A range of tasty Back Country Cuisine meals are available in select stores along the Track. Rain and flooding can be a problem that time of year, but its generally nothing that cant be overcome with good rain gear and a positive attitude. It traverses the Darling Range and has inspired reflections about the state of the Western Australian environment by William J. The calculator works in both north and south directions. Donnelly River Village only had a simple general store. Unless something goes wrong, all your water will come from the tanks at campsites or taps in towns. Bibbulmun Track, Kalamunda to Albany - Trails WA Each hut can accommodate between eight and 15 people (depending on the design) sleeping on wooden boards. Preparing the right kind of food for an overnight or extended walk on the Bibbulmun Track is one of the most important considerations walkers need to make. It is important to keep an eye out for these waugals, as you can easily stray off track if youre daydreaming. The most well-known is the Gloucester Tree, which is located only a couple of kilometres out of Pemberton.Despite not being very confident about heights, I climbed the Gloucester Tree once in the late 1980s so do not feel the need to climb it again. There are also taxi services and tour operators who can help you to co-ordinate your walk, and some B&Bs near the Track offer drop-off and pick-up services. Many people undertake this journey as a section hike, doing pieces of it over a period of months and even years. To walk the whole track is an adventure in contrasts, where the reward for your hard work is to see the world change before you at the speed of a human being. Shakedown: Bibbulmun Track in September : r/Ultralight Thanks Kelly! The rest includes a teeny, tiny cooker and gas canister, down jacket, one change of clothes, basic hygiene kit, first aid kit and basic electronics. A checklist is great way to start. Open the map and click on a hut and then there is a button to download photos - so do that on Wi-Fi too. Spring (September to November) is the best time to walk the Bibbulmun Track. That way the cooler areas in the south would be warming up, but were unlikely to be too hot, by the time I got there. It's designed to help decide which part of the 1000 km Track you'd like to walk and to give you all the planning information you need. You will need to take some sort of shelter, both for safety reasons (getting caught out inbetween the huts) and just because sometimes the huts do get full. Many other hikers swear by this method, but feet are very personal things! I also occasionally use my phone. Hi! There are many businesses and organisations along the entire length of the Track that offer goods and services to help you get the most out of your walk, whether it be for a few hours or an epic end-to-end journey. You can get some pretty light self-inflating mats so Id explore that option if you plan on hiking regularly. Lines in his book A long walk in the Australian bush.. This occurs on the first stretch (on a north to south hike) between Kalamunda and Dwellingup and involves walking for at least 10 days with no opportunities to resupply. South Australia, Western Australia & Northern Territory, Q&index=15, sp=sharing. I was happy to eat different mueslis, snacks and lunch meals by the end of the hike. We are flying to Perth from London on Qantas new direct flights. She made a road trip the week before she left and dropped off her own supplies. There are buses from all the main track towns to Perth or Albany in case we get injured and need to bail. Bibbulmun Track attack sees hikers allegedly run down, set upon by You should always use this calculator in conjunction with the Bibbulmun Track maps and guidebooks as whilst the distances are a good guide, they are rounded to the nearest 100 metres. Bibbulmun Track Video December 29, 2021. In August of 2018 after 2.5 years of planning I started my thru-hike of the 1005km Bibbulmun Track in Western Australia. Its important to ensure your pack fits comfortably and has a good hip belt to keep the weight on your hips rather than on your shoulders. Bushwalk Australia and contributors 2007-2013. Walking through the massive karri trees as they stretch high above you like a natural cathedral is awe inspiring, and we were lucky enough to see emus and kangaroos, the two native animals on the Commonwealth Coat of Arms. Take a walk on the wild side walking the Bibbulmun Track, Follow Local Travel Tips on Northcliffe Walpole: Pack everything (except breakfast), dehydrating my own food & post to Northcliffe Visitors Centre to reach Walpole. I speak from experience many times Ive wearily had to retrace my steps to look for a waugal. We have been planning in earnest for a few weeks now and we have been using a huge excel spreadsheet to help us battle the logistics one step at a time. Hi Sue, I got an injury before then. So I thought it might be helpful to share in a little more detail some of the things I considered when organising food for the trip. There are a number of things to consider before setting out on the Track. Required fields are marked *. This isnt a problem on the outward journey, but on the way back it may be difficult to predict what time (or even what day) youll reach a town on foot. Embrace it, and figure out what works for you. This would create the best variation and flexibility, encouraging me to explore the track towns and purchase local foods, while still predominately enjoying the same meals I would eat at home everyday!! It underwent many changes over the next two decades until, in 1993, work began to turn the Bibbulmun Track into one of the worlds great long distance walks, modelled on the Appalachian Trail in the USA. Which towns were I planning to have rest days? This creates a logistical nightmare. Today there is still a timber mill in Pemberton, surrounded by old mill cottages, but tourism is also important for the towns survival. Im quite an experienced hiker, and find your blog post very usefull. It may be several weeks before you arrive there on foot, so make sure your food parcel is water- and vermin-proof by packing the food in plastic bags, inside plastic boxes, inside another large plastic bag. I have opted for. It was originally envisaged by keen bushwalker Geoff Schafer, in 1972. For example: Kalamunda to Dwellingup was approximately 11 nights, which was too far to carry food the whole way. Bibbulmun Track Trip highlights Trek the spectacular South West Australian Coast and enjoy the incredible coastal scenery Enjoy the serenity of the many secluded beaches along the way Immerse yourself amongst the colourful wildflowers in spring Walk beneath the huge turbines of the Albany wind-farm Youll need more if you walk when the water supply is less reliable. Reflections from the reality & how it all worked out. A combination approach really worked well for me. Charting my travels around the world, one adventure at a time. There is also a natural outdoor pool, but it wasnt warm enough for that when we were there. One of my favourite places to escape to is a little town called Pemberton, 335 kilometres south of Perth. I decided to see what my heart picked for me when the time came. Spring and autumn are the most popular times to walk the track, but winter is my favourite because I love seeing all the creeks and rivers in full flow. Leave No Trace builds awareness, appreciation and respect for our natural and cultural heritage. Able to buy peanut butter, tortilla flatbread and instant pasta meals like those kind of things? In Pemberton purchase two days worth of food to reach Northcliffe. Location/temp range/specific trip description: Seems roughly 0 to 30 degrees C (32-86 degrees F), I'm not very sure though. If youre walking alone, make sure someone knows your itinerary and sign the registers found in each hut. Your email address will not be published. was to work out what to take with me. Good luck choosing one! As you become more experienced you will get better at knowing what gear works for you. Sounds as though it might be possible..Rosie, > miso soup (Ajishima freeze-dried miso with fungi, South Australia, Western Australia & Northern Territory, :rk:2:pf:0, 1913222176, edit#gid=0, 1858826788, 1659377176. Make a note of where youve buried the food in your journal because youll be desperate for it when you eventually get there! Somewhere in the world: Required fields are marked *. Have booked to complete it later this year. This occurs on the first stretch (on a north to south hike) between Kalamunda and Dwellingup and involves walking for at least 10 days with no opportunities to resupply. I ate out in town more than I had originally planned, and so a few of my homemade meals were repacked for the next section. The Bibbulmun Track takes hikers through the Karri trees of the southern forests | credit: Bibbulmun Track Foundation. The Bibbulmun is on my list of possibilities. I have since found a fabulous tape called fixumol, which I put on my heels and toes at the start of a hike as a preventative measure and add more of as hot-spots begin to develop. Bibbulmun Track Gear - Mick Beckers The Bibbulmun Track, Western Australia Ranging from inland planes to beaches, limestone ranges to damp gullies, the 965-kilometre Bibbulmun Track, spanning from Perth to Albany, is one of Australia's great walks. Your email address will not be published. I have met a lot of people with the same foot conformation so, if this applies to you, you may need to choose between sore toes or blisters on your heels. Northcliffe had a great food cooperative selling bulk and local food that I wanted to support. My 44-day E2E S2N walk on the Bibbulmun Track, April-June 2019 Celebrate our 25th year with an adventure! While cooking and dehydrating meals took extra time & energy, this allowed me to enjoy meals that were more delicious, full of veggies & legumes, lighter & cheaper than many supermarket options. They cost nearly $700 and dont look like much, but theyre probably the best money Ive ever spent on hiking gear. This is intended as a guide for the absolute beginner. The majority of this comes from the big four: pack, sleeping bag, sleeping mat and tent - most of which we already had and are heavier than we might like. Pingerup Plains, the swamps comprising days . How much water youll need to take will depend upon the time of year. How do you keep it charged, do you have a solar charger of some sort? Tank water should be treated, either with a filter, a UV lamp or some chemical treatment method. I have met a lot of people with the same foot conformation so, if this applies to you, you may need to choose between sore toes or blisters on your heels. Karri sleepers from Pemberton were also used in the early development of the London Underground and other railway lines in the UK. These pages are bursting with information to help you have a safe and pleasant journey. Testing out the Sawyer Filter in a murky Peak District stream. Follow the bright yellow waugyl through towering forests, over creeks and rivers, along wild beaches and up and over some impressive granite features. Hey Ben! If youre walking the whole Track in one go, transport is not an issue you can catch a bus from Perth to the northern terminus of the Track in Kalamunda, and get a bus back from Albany when you arrive at the southern terminus a month or two later (or vice versa if youre walking from south to north). If that makes your eyes water, its possible to put together a reasonably lightweight backpacking kit with gear from Paddy Pallin, Wild Earth and a few other retailers for less than 2000AUD. How much food you need to take will depend on your metabolism, how long you are walking for, and which section of the track you are doing. Distinctive yellow triangles displaying a waugal symbol (a rainbow serpent spirit-being from the Aboriginal Dreaming) are nailed to trees along the way to mark the Track. I will definitely have to crack down on what I bring in order of importance. If you are doing more than a day walk on the Track, you will need to take a lot of equipment: sleeping gear, cooking equipment and food, a change of clothing, basic toiletries, a first aid kit and maybe a tent. Experiencing the Bibbulmun Track - WA Parks Foundation Thats it. The route is well mapped, way-marked and maintained. Then bury it. The following list is what I take on multi-day hikes on the Bibbulmun Track. Trekking The Bibbulmun Track End to End - Planning. How many days of food could I carry at a time? In my humble opinion, the Australian outdoor gear industry is still stuck in the 1980s, when heavy packs were a source of pride and durability was the biggest concern. But for the purposes of a non-picky hiker, theyre perfectly adequate. Deciding what equipment you need for a Bibbulmun Track walk doesn't have to be a daunting process.

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