actors who signed petition for roman polanski

Portman is one of the first . Mashable is a registered trademark of Ziff Davis and may not be used by third parties without express written permission. Stuck on 'Quordle' #403? In September 2009, Roman Polanski was arrested by Swiss police on a warrant for his 1977 sexual-abuse case. Christophe Barratier The biggest stories of the day delivered to your inbox. AFP is reporting that a grand assembly of filmmakers, actors and producers from around the world have signed a petition urging the release of director Roman Polanski, who was arrested. In the aftermath of Polanski's arrest last weekend, a number of performers -- including Penelope Cruz, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci -- appear as supporters on a petition which states,. The case is not a case of morals. Two said to me that it was a special situation because the girl had been up for it (this was a common theory at the time. Laws - rape (statutory or otherwise) and escape from justice - have been broken. By now, celebrities were falling over themselves to defend Polanski. I just went through my Netflix queue and carefully combed out all movies affiliated with any of these people. I hope the tide is finally turning.. Gabriel Auer Pierre Jolivet Michael Mann Jonathan Demme Christian Carion Its not that people are not aware of the charges. I wrote about the documentary for this paper when it came out, as it struck me as astonishingly exculpatory. On these facts, everyone agrees. We reached out to some of the most high-profile signatories to a 2009 petition in support of Roman Polanski, to ask them whether they regretted their endorsement of the convicted abuser. In 1986, he met the woman who would be his next wife, the actress Emanuelle Seigner. Jacques Fansten - Le Syndicat National des Techniciens de la Production Cinmatographique et de Tlvision (National Union of Film and Television Technicians) Is Father Polanski any different? Just under a decade after she signed the Polanski petition, Cruz expressed her support for the #MeToo movement and Times Up initiative to Spanish newspaper El Pais. I certainly wouldnt allow any of you to get near my daughter. The victim wants the case dropped, but oh no. The petition demanding "the immediate release" of Polanski attracted more than 100 signatures, including Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Tilda Swinton and Wong Kar Wai. the uber leftist oh so talented equivocators make me want to hurl. Given. Andr Larqui I still do. Much emphasis is made in the movie about how Polanskis celebrity hurt him during the trial, which is true. Please dont stop here, the penal system is full of people that can only get it up when they force barely pubescent kids. like to see where they end up. My level of disgust at the people who express disgust at the signatories of the Polanski petitioni and then go off sounding more deranged and more dangerous than Polanski could ever be is too strong for me to express in mere words. Defending Polanski in the face of his full admission of drugging and raping a 13 year-old, fleeing charges because he thought he was too important to face the consequences of his actions, boasting to Martin Amis that EVERYONE wants to F*** little girls! and complaining how HE is the victim (in true sociopathic form) by not being able to work in Hollywood for 30 years, while never ONCE saying that what he did was unfathomably wrong, has nothing of importance to say about humanity. I can only hope they are not aware of the full allegations. Instead, the Isle of Dogs premiere featured a carpet that was resolutely red. Polanski petition signatories, as of September 29th: Fatih Akin Alongside Asia Argento and Emma Thompson, Natalie Portman remains one of the few celebrities to apologize for signing the petition. Richard Pena Watch what happened next. Polanski raped a thirteen year old girl and fled justice. But you can have your eyes opened and completely change the way you want to live. Every story has more than one side. All Rights Reserved. Buck Henry The judge went back on his word because he was afriad of public opinion like yours. He never contested that his victim told him no repeatedly, or that he drugged her. A petition has been circulated on behalf of Roman Polanski henceforth, to my mind, "RoPo" and signed by A-list movie directors (Pedro Almodovar, Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, Wong Kar. Ettore Scola He should not have to go on trial again for a 30 year old statutory rape, but should have to answer to the flight. We'll give you the hints and tips you need (and also the answers). - le Fonds Culturel Franco Amricain This man drugged and raped a thirteen (13) year old girl. Gailey sensed something different. Wow! But as more artists come forward to speak out against Woody Allen, the same can't be said of Polanski, who remains venerated in Hollywood. He fled the country to France before he could be properly sentenced. By signing up to the Mashable newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications so dont free him :), First off Mr. Polanski did not rape anyone. It is also irrelevant if her mother was trying to vicariously enjoy a brush with stardom. But I ask her how it feels to see Polanski, a convicted sex offender, still held up as a celebrated director, and what it says about the industrys true feelings about women and girls. This girl was very sexually mature for her age, even the judge said the prosecutrix was a well-developed young girl, who looked older than her years, and regrettably not unschooled in sexual matters. This was clearly a case of consensual sexual relations. The petition was also signed by various other luminaries of the global film industry, including filmmaker Sam Mendes, actor Jeremy Irons, and actress Isabelle Adjani. They protect their own, I protect my own. He plead guilty to a lesser charge of unlawful sex with a minor because he knew they had enough evidence to fry his ass if it went to trial. Roman Polanski is a French citizen, a renown and international artist now facing extradition. Believe it or not, I believe that you and I agree. Dear Roman you have my full support. What a sad coward. Sari - where are you - pay attention to this part: If you support a child rapist and decide it is not important enough to enforce laws regarding such a crime, then as a society you CONDONE that crime. The petitioners clearly consider themselves diplomats, which they are not. Women, girls, PEOPLE having a RIGHT to say what happens to their own bodies is NOT a moral issue, it is a human rights issue. Wong Kar Wa A woman known only as Robin M reads her statement claiming Polanski sexually victimized her. Is anyone surprised that Woody Allen, seen here with his wife and stepdaughter, supports Roman Polansky You'll find hundreds of names on Hollywood's pro-Polanski petition. Back in 2009, film industry luminaries signed a petition to release Roman Polanski from a Swiss prison and now one star is regretting it. Go ahead delete my anti hollywood post I feel better for posting it even if I already knew only equivocators and apologist for polanski need post, the uber leftist oh so talented equivocators make me want to hurl. One of the petition's signatories was Natalie Portman, who told BuzzFeed(Opens in a new tab) she "very much" regrets putting her name on it. The girl said no many times. How else will they have their entertainment? My eyes were not open.. A man that raped a child. Shocking what your statement implies. All Rights Reserved. Claude Lelouch (Page 13), On march 13, 1977, the day you had sexual intercourse how old did you believe her to be?, Are you pleading guilty Freely and voluntarily?. "It should just be that everyone can empathize with everyone. Perhaps the judge got away with what Polanski was accused of. The petition demanding "the immediate release" of Polanski attracted more than 100 signatures(Opens in a new tab), including Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, TildaSwinton and Wong Kar Wai. There, he gave her champagne and, according to her, quaaludes. Well, so do I. I dont know what the rationals might be for those who seek his pardoning, be it moral ambiguity, sycophancy, going along with what they see as hip or simply the belief that the group they belong to is somehow superior and has a right to use common people for their own amusement, but it would be a mistake to give the law a pass to accommodate this utterly reprehensible man. He never admited to raping anyone.. Absolutely despicable by each and every one of these people who signed this petition. Stephen Frears He admitted to raping a child at the age of 13, fled the country and lived like a King in France, and he shouldnt be punished because he makes good movies??? We reached out to some of the most high-profile signatories to see if they had changed their mind about supporting Polanski in light of the #MeToo and Time's Up campaigns. Alexander Payne One admitted they regretted their previous support, given the new allegations, but couldnt bring themselves to say so publicly. Forty years ago this week, Roman Polanski went from being one of the most celebrated film-makers in the world to becoming the United States most notorious fugitive from justice. Again, some ignore me, a couple will talk off the record, some are too busy to talk at all. You people that support this kind of act should be ashamed of yourselves. After all, when he was told he was being arrested for rape he was genuinely shocked: I was incredulous; I couldnt equate what had happened the day before with rape in any form, he writes in his autobiography. - lUnion des producteurs de films Petition for Roman Polanski. Roman Polanski has been a fugitive from justice for 30 years and it is time he manned up and dealt with the situation. Jol Farges On March 10, 1977, then-43-year-old film director Roman Polanski was arrested and charged in Los Angeles with six offenses against Samantha Gailey (now Geimer), [2] a then-13-year-old girl [3] - unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, a lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14, and furnishing a Posting their names publicly in support of Polanski speaks loudly regarding their . The arrest of Roman Polanski in a neutral country, where he assumed he could travel without hindrance, undermines this tradition: it opens the way for actions of which no one can know the effects. It was a mistake," she told the news outlet. Olivier Assayas Prefer the fantasy of one his films? This is actually a very civil process being carried out in regards to someone who did a very uncivil thing. We have learned the astonishing news of Roman Polanski's arrest by the Swiss police on September 26th, upon arrival in Zurich (Switzerland) while on his way to a . We have learned the astonishing news of Roman Polanski's arrest by the Swiss police on September 26th, upon arrival in Zurich (Switzerland) while on his way to a film festival where he was due to receive an award for his career in filmmaking. And please dont take the whole But but hes so charming and he gives to charity! defense. He then had sex with her, drove her home and, the next day, was arrested. Michel Ocelot Nadine Trintignant if i was in her position, i would say anything as well. Fonda made his professional. but the fact that he drugged her,and had anal sex with her ruins it. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to "Wordle" #623. Perhaps we can send the children of the signatories of this petition over to Roman so he can drug and sodomize them, as Im sure this whole unfortunate arrest business has him very stressed, and clearly in the opinion of the aforementioned signatories, such a genius deserves to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Mario Martone Alexander Payne is currently focused on his new baby. If he was some crack head living in harlem and raped a girl would the same supporters come to the rescue? The Best True Crime Streaming Now, from 'Unsolved Mysteries' to 'McMillions' to 'The Staircase' Signed? The judge in Polanskis case acted like a common crook. so roman polanski is sayong it was consensual,and i have no reason to disbeleive one was there,to know the exact facts. Claude Lanzmann Even after Mary posted the facts of the case, you still call this a bloodhunt. Classic movies. Even the girl now a woman who accused Polanski of rape says the case should be dropped. Miguel Courtois I think the Times Up initiative is wonderful: Ive donated to it because I believe it will make a difference. Cruz additionally attended the Golden Globes ceremony last month in a black lace gown to show support for the Times Up initiative. Roman was charged with sex with minor, not real rape. If Hollywood has grown so insular from and arrogant to society at large, its time they were knocked down a peg or two. John Landis It will be much wiser, less obstinate and more generous to leave this exceptional man alone. Stephane Allagnon When he started kissing her she told him: No keep away. When he performed oral sex on her she was ready to cry and asked him to stop. Oscars 2023: Best Picture Predictions Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Robert Hossein Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Nicolas Mauvernay As much as I've been repulsed by Polanski's 1977 rape of a 13-year-old girl, I've been absolutely flabbergasted and offended by the list of Hollywood elites and celebrities who have recently signed a petition demanding his release. - lAPI (Association des producteurs Indpendants) (Association of Independent Producers) By their extraterritorial nature, film festivals the world over have always permitted works to be shown and for filmmakers to present them freely and safely, even when certain States opposed this. Also an artist and a film lover. The criminal case should be settled without any jail time. I sympathize with Ms. Gaileys feelings, however, this man should not be free to victimize other children. I propose a boycott of all films and books and plays and machinery created by all those people listed here. Wim Wenders. Too bad theyre selling their souls to be there. Franois Margolin By trying to send Roman Polanski to the lions despite all the legal arguments, is something that unfortunately gets and will get more and more out of proportion. I have copied this list so that I can keep it for all time (yes, I hold a grudge a long, long, time). Roman Polanski is a Polish filmmaker who has been a fugitive from the U.S. criminal justice system, since 1978, after pledging guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. What preyytell has he done for you that you would abandon your senses in this way. Broadly reached out to Cruz to ask if she regrets supporting Polanski, but she declined to reply by the time of publication. Mr. Polanski is not a threat to anyone. She played Lena, while her co-star Jennifer Jason Leigh played Dr. Ventress, described as being of Asian and Native American background respectively in the novel. Really, you are worse than the most rabid of Polanskis detractors. I cant wait to get out of this f**ed up town. Like all arguments in Polanskis defence, the documentary stresses the previous tragedies in his life: his mother, four months pregnant, was killed in the Holocaust; his wife, eight months pregnant, was brutally murdered by the Manson family. The petition, made public in September 2009, demanded "the immediate release of Roman Polanski" after the Rosemary's Baby filmmaker was detained days earlier in Switzerland on a warrant for . Serge Toubiana Cant think of a bigger threat to our planet just now. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. It was a long time ago was another one, as was: Hes served his time. (In 2009, the expert legal affairs writer, Jeffrey Toobin, reported that at that time the prison sentence for an adult defendant who pleaded guilty to statutory rape was likely to be three years in a state prison.) It speaks terribly of the industry, she replies. Great.. 100% of the proceeds of this bundle will support Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and Save the Children. That is even ignoring the evidence that his victim gave to the grand jury that he got her alone under the pretense of taking her photo (for Vanity Fair I think), gave her alcohol and drugs and when she said no to him even after all that he went ahead and raped her orally, vaginally and anally. This man should never have been allowed to go free without punishmentand 45 days of evaluation does not constitute punishment! K, Uhlman, please dont get all circus of blood here. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. Actor Gael Garca Bernal, Academy Award-winning actress Penlope Cruz, veteran director Mario Monicelli, veteran screenwriter Lorenzo Semple Jr, and Academy Award-winning filmmakers Bernardo Bertolucci and Ethan Coen are a few of the latest additions to the list of signatories demanding freedom for filmmaker Roman Polanski, currently being held by Swiss authorities. (In one of those ironies we can only appreciate in retrospect, this documentary, which presents an energetic case for the defence of a sex offender, was produced by the Weinstein Company.). Many other priests have committed this sort of crime, and they are dealt with most liberally. i just cant comprehend how you can just so willingly run to the aid of a man who raped a child. No excuses. I hope all of you outraged ones stay away from children everywhere. Woody Allen, David Lynch and Martin Scorsese today added their names to a petition demanding the immediate release of Roman Polanski from detention in Zurich. Id say that a number of these (American) one-hit wonders and struggling Indie folks appear to want to install themselves in more-accomplished company. Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears . He was the younger brother of actress and activist Jane Fonda and the father of actress Bridget Fonda. i honestly dont know what to say, except for i almost feel let down.

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