beyonder powers and abilities

However, he was still able to observe, and potentially manipulate, the Guardians' universe through the costume he gave to Vance Astro. They were then transported to another station millions of miles away in space. Also, Namor has no recollection of him, and he had met him during Secret Wars II. Then the Avengers attacked, but to no avail--he just lay there, listless, ignoring their attacks. During the battle, he famously said, "The trouble is, lesser beings can't really perceive the bulk of the action--the billions of feints, thrusts, and parries per second--or the countless levels, besides the physical, upon which this fight, however one-sided, is taking place!" The original Beyonder was considered to be the most powerful being in the multiverse, having power surpassing Cosmic Entities, such as The Living Tribunal and Eternity. In Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (by Jim Shooter, Michael Zeck, John Beatty, and Christie Scheele), The Beyonder abducts Marvel's greatest heroes and villains and orders them to fight on Battleworld. The Beyonders explained their origin and history before the Defenders went further beyond into the White Hot Room. The good side of Reece finally won out, and returned the Beyonder persona and power to Kosmos. [14] Later, he gave himself human form to experience the Marvel Universe. At the end of the battle, Rachel Summers psychically sensed the invisible presence of the Beyonder, who was watching it all. From his first appearance as a celestial being to his transition into human form, The Beyonder has starred in some of the most existential and exciting stories Marvel has ever told. Doctor Octopus agree to these terms and begins working. The Molecule Man, narrates The Beyonder's origin story while Doctor Doom and The Fantastic Four listen on. Despite being perturbed by his words, Hyperion defeats Mister Beyonder. However, he and Doom were, as Captain America said, "swatted back like flies!" Sometime later, due to unexplained events, Kosmos became mentally ill, and started calling herself the Maker. This issue pulls back the curtain to reveal the celestial beings responsible for The Beyonder's birth: The Beyonders. Still he could not find Havok. Strange and The Multiverse of Madness. Similarly, a large number of costumed criminals, including the Absorbing Man, Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopus, the Enchantress, Kang, the Lizard, the Molecule Man, Ultron, the Wrecking Crew, as well as the planet-devourer Galactus, found themselves in another construct in the same area. When the events of Secret Wars I took place, the mind of Earth 616's Doom was living in another man's body, so the Beyonder took a future Doom's mind and body back to our time and put him in the Secret Wars. Since he was still somewhat naive, and often intentionally limited his awareness of the world in order to experience things more like a true human would, they were able to draw him into their tenement, telling him that they could provide him with true happiness through their drug. Marvel characters can be divided into two categories: Superheroes and Supervillains. The Beyonder intentionally limited his power to that of a "normal" super hero, and enjoyed the complexity and pressure of battle. The retcons made the Beyonder arguably weaker than many Cosmic Entities. But even the man of steel has his weaknesses. [11] References [ edit] Alarmed by the imminent threat of extinction, Phoenix, a.k.a., Rachel Summers, realizes she must use her powers to destroy the multiverse and protect future generations from The Beyonder's reign. He joined them on their journey and went into the Land of Couldn't-Be-Shouldn't-Be and then the House of Ideas. Cage was still angry, but Rand calmed him down, and Cage eventually went on to explain more about the importance of time and money. As a result, for his experiment, he slams various pieces of Earth . Meanwhile the Beyonder kept doing heroic deeds, and Captain America and Mr. They told the Beyonder not to grant Doom's wish, but he didn't listen, since he thought himself far above them in power and station. The Beyonder, once again sensing the possibility for an experiment, turned Cadwell into Thundersword. Dazzler eventually realized that he had stimulated the situation by amping the bikers' powers, and made him stop the fight. (Others, like the Enchantress, also tried to leave, but were unable to pierce the barrier set up by the Beyonder.) One of the local residents, Dave, a down-on-his luck local reporter, saw it and ran to see what was going on. Venom is often considered the strongest overall because his powers and abilities are the most versatile. It hit him, and knocked him back one step. The Lizard regained conscienceness and ran outside where he was attacked by alien giant sand worms. Meanwhile, the Beyonder managed to come into our universe as a small spark of light. This dimension is accidentally accessed by nebbishy lab technician Owen Reece. The Beyonder possesses no inherent weaknesses, but he was, at one time, stripped of his powers by Doctor Doom in Battleworld and later became mortal through his own devices by investing his power into a machine. The Beyonder thus began his own criminal empire, not because of any inherent evil in his nature, but just because that's all he knew about from Vinnie. Angry at Kurse, Power Pack dropped a building on him. The Abandoned An Forsaked - The Beyonder is a Cosmic Cube! The future Molecule Man is too weak to absorb its full power. The superhero team that deals with big level cosmic threats known as the Ultimates, drastically changed Galactus's hunger for cosmic energy. The arrival of a handful of other survivors who recalled the truth shattered this illusion. After landing on the top of a building, Reed saw the Beyonder down on the street, apparently arguing with Luke Cage and Iron Fist, with Spider-Man swinging by as well (this was a copy of the scene in Secret Wars II where he turns their building into gold). It was then revealed that Pym was correct and the entire experiment was being conducted by the Stranger under the guise of the Beyonder. He left after fixing the damage from the fight. In his original origin, and in the Cosmic Cube origin, he would in fact he from another universe, and thus "unnatural" in ours. They were both actually thankful at this. Kubik took upon himself the tutoring of the new being, who had forgotten much of what she learned in her previous life. He once destroyed a galaxy on a whim to meet his needs during the first Secret Wars, and later, by using his entire energies, created a universe out of his own being. They have powerful divination abilities through the use of stars and crystal balls. However, The Beyonders pry further, striving to understand Earth's most fascinating form of life: superpowered beings. He later ran across Peter Parker, and recognizing him from Battleworld, followed him home. Although there have been momentary setbacks and deceptive tricks, The Beyonder has outlasted and outsmarted every trap set in his way. When Did the Molecule Man's Personality Change So Dramatically? But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. He returned to our reality, and specifically to Earth. Even this was not enough, and he took over literally every molecule on the planet. They often hire aliens from our universe to do their work for them. After finally understanding who he was talking to, Peter tried to explain, but ultimately recommended Reed Richards as a better person to talk to. If Doom truly had Beyonder's power all the heros would have been wiped out with a mere thought. Taking his inspiration from Reece, he was going to be human and omnipotent at the same time. Later it was decided to further retcon the character making it so that the Beyonder was both an Inhuman AND a Mutant. They then engaged in an all-out battle which was felt by "every creature on every planet in every dimension." He increased the Thing's power a hundredfold, then had him go attack the Beyonder, which would hopefully keep him in one place. Protege's great raise in power gained the attention of the Living Tribunal, who put both Protege and the Beyonder on trial. [38] Months later, while contemplating his life alone, his evil persona took over and sought revenge against the Beyonder. The Beyonder also had Klaw persuade Doom to grant him part of his power. The Beyonder asked Black Bolt why he was still alive after all this time, seemingly meaning that it had been an extremely long time since Black Bolt had been king, and thus that the Beyonder was perhaps in or from some other time line. Despite their vast powers and knowledge, they seem unable to travel forward or backward in time. A magical spear Gungnir, used by the kings of Asgard is powered by Odin force. Even their assembled power couldn't stop him directly (even though he had already poured a great portion of his power in the cup). Unsure of the morality of such an act, he decided to put the Beyonder through the same experiences he had when he was a drunk, showing him the seediness of alcoholism, the enlightenment of the Ancient One, and the treachery of Baron Mordo, when Mordo originally tried to kill the Ancient One. All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. However, the ease with which he lifted it made the head of the UCFW actually want to keep the Beyonder out of the Federation, because he was worried that he'd kill their normal wrestlers. The Molecule Man explained that Doom could not control the power of the Beyonder in the first Secret War because his mind was incomplete. [35], Kosmos chose to present as female due to believing that her previous psychological deficits were due to the Beyonder presenting as male. He teleported to their location and ran into Firelord but Firelord passed out from his injuries during his fight with Nebula and her army. [33], In this universe, the Beyonder was anything and everything. Within his universe the Beyonder was complete; indeed he was all of his reality. An initially unrelated character called the Beyonder was tied to these older characters by Steve Englehart for his "Secret Wars III" story in Fantastic Four #318319 (SeptemberOctober 1988). During the Dark Reign, the Molecule Man created a group of beings that resembled the Beyonder, Mephisto, Dormammu, and Enchantress. Doom uses his powers to force Spider-Man and the heros against a wall. They were not above manipulation of beings that they saw as being "below" them: at one point the two of them created a moon-sized space station and ran the Fantastic Four through a series of exercises like lab rats. Gladiator learned through Oracle, who had taken some of her madness, who the Maker really was. [35][36][40] He also stated that the Pumawhen in perfect harmony with the Universewas capable of killing him. He was once again dressed in his baroque silver armor. The Beyonder then explained that his only intention was to do good, and that to him, nothing was impossible to accomplish. Reece cryptically replied, "it's a happier ending than you know." (His appearance happened to stymie an attack on Alpha Flight by Omega Flight.) Strange warned that the Beyonder was going to destroy all the multiverses. [30], The Beyonder went to a South Seas island to contemplate. He suddenly appeared in front of Parker, scaring him at first. Heroes from all corners of the Marvel Comics multiverse band together to thwart The Beyonder and stop his plan. In fact, the Beyonder was talking with Death, talking about this very thing, and admitted his fear of what would happen. The other attacked, with no affect. Cadwall ran amok in his new identity, and was opposed and defeated by various costumed adventurers. The Illuminati then went through several imaginary situations reflecting what would happen if their inner desires came true. The Molecule Man defeated the Beyonder, and Kubik showed up asking him to stop. They found the Beyonder and their tachyon beam attracted his attention. Clearly it takes place after Secret Wars I, and since Richards mentions that he was scanning for the Beyonder since Battleworld (and doesn't mention anything from Secret Wars II), it seems likely that it takes place before Secret Wars II. The machine was then to rapidly age his infant form into an adult and release him. Why can't you see that I'm better than you? They were understandably shocked, and Cage attacked. As a result, death, portrayed by Mephisto, cannot destroy him. He was going to be a champion for life, and basically be an even more super super hero. He was docile and said he desired "to understand." He was shown and described to repel Galactus "like a bug", and even greatly exceeded the collected energy of the latter's World-Ship. An example being when the Celestials lost to Beyonder; in the revised story line they wanted to observe his actions. [3], For millennia they were not observed by any being of the Earth dimension (apparently including even the near-omniscient Watchers themselves); their 'true form' is unknown because each mind that views them, struggles as best as it can to perceive that unknowable force as an image it can comprehend, in fact, their nature is so alien that they are constrained and restricted to their own sequential timeline which prevented them from leaving their dimension or travel through time. And so, as the narrative ended,"within the new universe begat by the Beyonder's powermortal beings live their mortal livesgiving meaning to the infinity in which they dwellthus, finally, is the desire of the One from Beyondfulfilled!". The Beyonder is more powerful than Eternity, The Living Tribunal, and most any other Marvel Comics character to date. This event also features The Beyonder's first-albeit momentary-- defeat at the hands of Doctor Doom. This disturbed the Beyonder because he was finally content with his existence and wanted to forget about the other universe that he had once lived in. Kubik took on the job of teaching Kosmos about how to live a fulfilling life as a sentient Cube; the two began to fall in love. Odin Force: It is mystical and really powerful infinite source of energy. [14] Contents 1 History 1.1 Origins 1.2 Destruction of the Seventh Cosmos The cosmic forces just couldn't understand why this new goal was so important. The Beyonder is more powerful than Eternity, The Living Tribunal, and most any other Marvel Comics character to date. Then, before their eyes, a planet, which became known as Battleworld, was created to orbit that star. Chapter 1"Arrival" In this episode we find Spider-Man floating around as he is told by Madame Web to look into her eyes, she then paralyzes Spider-Man into an upright posture. Confused once again; the Beyonder left. However, Kubik decided to prove him wrong, and battled the Beyonder to a standstill, to the Beyonder's great amazement. Dr. Doom arrives and claims that he only wants Ben and his subjects to be happy; he calls his new kingdom New Latveria. But everything he had heard led him to believe that being partly mortal was the only way to make it through. Beyonder appears in 272 issues. This extra degree of mortality appears to be what turned her insane. He also saved Elizabeth Twoyoungmen, then known as Talisman, from entrapment in an other-dimensional world. He teleported himself to the offices of Heroes for Hire and upon finding that Power Man and Iron Fist were not there he brought them forward through time to see him. She did not put up a fight, and Oracle shut down her mind. The Puma found the Beyonder, and suddenly realized how powerful he was--unlike Foxxe, the Beyonder radiated power. They had been friends, but now Reece was worried about how unstable he was becoming, and what he might do next. The Beyonder then says he will introduce evil to the planet; he teleports Doctor Octopus, Alistar Smythe, the Lizard, the Red Skull, and Doctor Victor Von Doom to this planet. Kubik appreciated and encouraged her questions about her place in the multiverse; it was unclear where exactly Kubik and Kosmos fit into this hierarchy of power. True love was when there was a free and limitless exchange of love between both partners; it couldn't be a "business deal" where there were other obligations. Even in this state, however, he was incredibly powerful, having enough strength to at least banish a legion of demons back to Hell in one motion. The flashback sequence ends with Deadpool chasing him into a portal with a footnote saying "to be continued in Secret Wars III". Storm then informs Spider-Man over a computer that she is with an alien rebel army led by General Torg. They were originally called "Omegas" by the Celestials. After a fight with the Fantastic Four, he revealed that his mind was actually inhabiting the body of a random stranger, Norm McArthur. This would have wrecked Mephisto's since he would have to recalibrate the machine. The Beyonder first became aware of our universe when the Molecule Man gained his powers through an atomic accident. To thier dismay, Dr. Dooms robots attacked them, causing the hovercraft to crash, as the four began the fight,Thing was captured and taken away immediately. Eventually, they all ended up at a punk club. In the end, Protege was defeated by the Tribunal and Scathan. He tried again to convince her to love him (when the ring didn't spark her interest, he just tossed it away). Reece decided to take the role of a therapist with the Beyonder, since he himself was quite a veteran of therapy sessions. He was frozen in indecision. Beyonder displayed the ability to control others without them knowing it even while being absorbed. The Beyonder attacks them, but Doom persuades him that they are there to talk. [36], The Beyonder proved capable of destroying, and recreating, the abstract entity known as Death across the multiverse, although it extremely exerted and weakened him to do so. Doctor Doom explains when the villains were being transported through space he traced the coordinates of the power being used to transport them from a lab. However, he was just teasing out the battle to make them feel all the worse. It took them a while to get up, however, and they had been knocked miles away. The Beyonder appeared again, this time garbed as a super hero, and helped her fight the bikers, whose powers kept increasing. He teleported the two of them back to the heroes' site. Although he rejected the notion at first, he finally submitted to being reshaped into a Cube alongside the Molecule Man. So Doom now asked the Beyonder to restore his memories. When they arrive, they see a mysterious figure approaching, Ben Grimm (Thing) has been restored to his original human body. Then Owen Reece and Volcana showed up, and he added to Kubik's attack on the Beyonder. Now fully-grown, he lived with his fellow Beyonders in the Beyond,[1] until he escaped the House of Ideas. One is a clone but neither knows which. He fuses himself with the Beyonder. Unfortunately some of her friends had been even worse off, and taken the easy way out, and committed suicide. He was glad that she made him realize he wasn't ready to take the easy way out and quit like her friends had. Murdock was against it, but the Beyonder gave him a special form of payment: he gave him back his vision. They continued to tour the multiverse together as Kubik taught Kosmos about existence. The Beyonder teleported Captain Hero to the base, and he and Iron Fist managed to stop the SHIELD attack. He realized that he was still far too attached to our world. Here is an explantion of the Beyonder's powers and power shifts as a result of the rectonned storylines. [23] In Kosmos' 'Maker' incarnation, she was stated as capable of reversing The Crunch itself, essentially collapsing the entire universe. Frank, however, was not feeling any better now that he was in control. Doom said that while he remained David to the Beyonder's Goliath, he now had a sling that could help him find his enemy's weakness. The Beyonder's first appearance was in the story Secret Wars I. He is the most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse. Powers and Abilities: Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (On a Sub-Quantic level, controlling the building blocks of all creation), Information Manipulation, Flight/Levitation, Forcefields, Portal Creation, and numerous others. For example, Klein being able to create a town (Utopia) out of nowhere even if none of his beyonder powers corresponds to such a feat. Intent on discovering his true purpose, The Beyonder falls in love, exacts revenge, and chases pleasure, yet every road leads to a dead end. The Beyonder then argues that he can do this and introduces a planet Spider-Man might consider a "paradise", civilizations have good but no concept of evil. Every Inhuman enters Terrigen Mists to gain the superhuman powers that the race is known for. Much earlier, the Beyonder had revived Kurse as an experiment, but then had largely forgotten about him. Other heroes could stop muggers or tidal waves, but only he could stop the named Death. The mystery of desire was still at the forefront of his mind: as an omnipotent being, he couldn't understand what it meant to want something and not be able to get it (ironically, the one thing he was unable to do was understand desire). Vinnie used the Beyonder to increase his success in his criminal enterprises, taking care of the competition, healing prostitutes of their STDs, making more gold, and even curing his son of dyslexia and helping his wife lose weight. The Beyonder thus destroyed three planets (with a hundred billion inhabitants) with the wave of his hand, creating a firebreak that would temporarily stop the energy wave. He has the ability to control the fundamental fabric of space and time. Having been noticed, he made himself visible. Another man, Ralph Macchio (named after the writer and editor), was also there, and wanted to kill the Beyonder for his role in the death of his wife in an accident earlier. [3] When the Molecule Man extracted the Beyonder from Kosmos, their battle took place in more than three spatial dimensions, and threatened to cause vast destruction across the multiverse. The Beyonder later met a street walker named Toots. The Beyonder, after sitting and thinking, decided he had been wrong, and went to their apartment to apologize. [13][12][1], The Beyonder observed Earth for a number of years,[4] drawn to the planet by a tachyon beam,[17] and was fascinated to discover that the beings living within Earth's reality were not each a creation complete unto themselves. The Beyonder considered this request to be reasonable but was stopped by Shaper of Worlds and Kubik. Thankfully, with an upcoming Marvel Comic run slated for June, The Beyonder is ready to reintroduce himself to readers. Although she suffers defeat, Phoenix attempts to sway The Beyonder's mind by reminding him that death makes life meaningful. There are several odd things about this story. He then appeared to Rachel, Cannonball, and Magik. He brought them to his new headquarters, a giant floating building in the ocean, complete with TVs that monitored everyone on Earth. They eventually find the Fantastic Three? The only one that was left was Reece. Meanwhile, the Defenders were in a very difficult battle against the Dragon of the Moon. He left, once again putting the destruction of the universe on hold, fully realizing that it had all been an act on Rosenberg's part, but not caring, since Reece had been brought to despair in any case. But Malevolence's father, Mephisto, followed. The Puma was now brought to the absolute limit of his anger and his sense of righteousness in his cause. As everyone figures out that they have been teleported several miles away, Johnny Storm asks what Doom will do next. on 10/17/22 His senses are similarly enhanced, allowing him to hear things from further away and at higher frequencies than a normal human, including radio broadcasts. Beyonder tells Spider-Man to think of him and his assistant, Madame Web, as 'ones from beyond.' Still, Gladiator called her (perhaps with typical comics hyperbole) "the most powerful being in the known universe" even in this stage of her existence. Following Secret Wars and Secret Wars II, the Beyonder experienced many notable retcons. He transforms into the Thing to fight them off. She left a message for the X-Men and flew towards the west coast. She was found guilty and sentenced to the Kyln in Creche confinement. Chapter 3 "Doom" Spider-Man and the Lizard walking through a desert and are on their way to the kingdom of Doctor Victor Von Doom; they had been given coordinates by the Fantastic Four as to where they will all meet. This would probably suggest he was from a different universe. Doom, however, began to wrestle with his new limitless nature, and started to become unstable. Nothing you dream of is impossible for me to accomplish!" Douglas was still weak, and the Dragon tried to prey on her mind and thus recombine them. It turns out that Xavier had sensed, via his telepathy, that the Beyonder was once again in the vicinity. I also added scans and references. This was only the first of many relationships the Beyonder had with Earth women, who often saw him as very appealing. In lack of better options, we consider the Beyonders being killed by an explosion sufficient to destroy 100,000 universes, as well as an Infinity Gauntlet managing to slow down Doctor Doom when he was wielding their powers, as outliers. Seeing Kubik's love for Kosmos, the Molecule Man reverted back to Owen Reece and restored Kosmos. It was during one of these sessions that the Molecule Man, who had reverted to evil, pulled the old male Beyonder essence out of Kosmos, leaving her a pale unconscious shadow. Slay your enemies and all you desire shall be yours! The Beyonder then left after using Parker's toilet. Additionally, this issue introduces the all-powerful Cosmic Cube, which dominated the MCU. This is the first, or Cosmic Cube, retcon. The other heroes, who didn't see exactly what happened, thought the Beyonder had done something to them, and Wolverine attacked, slashing his face and torso. Their attack apparently failed and as a result the number of universes was reduced from thousands to barely more than two dozen.

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